We present you new grills and barbecue accessories for 2022, new gas grills, new charcoal grills, new electric grills, cast iron pots, cast iron pans, cast iron grills and hobs, clothes and lighting lamps, news in outdoor, camping and lifestyle.
The OONI Volt 12 electric pizza oven is Ooni's first fully electric pizza oven. The OONI Vot 12 electric pizza oven is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Thus you get maximum flexibility in your home and garden - regardless of weather. The OONI Vot 12 electric pizza oven can be used to produc..
4,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,777.31 Lei
Karu 2 Pro wood, coal or gas oven from OONI Pizza Ovens brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience from the entire range of Ooni ovens. The Karu 2 Pro hybrid oven has advanced features that allow preparation after only 15 minutes of preheating. Thus, you will be able to cook wood-fired piz..
4,595.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,861.34 Lei
In Stock
Brand: NAPOLEON Gourmet Grills
Gratar gaz Legend 425 cu arzator infrarosu Sizzle Zone, Napoleon este o mica bucatarie de terasa sau gradina sustinut de toate elementele de calitate Napoleon Grills. Linia de gratare Napoleon Legend dispune de tehnologia si design-ul consacrat al liniilor de gratare iesite din portofoliul producato..
4,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,193.28 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Beefer - Beef it or leave it
Noul gratar gaz statie infrarosu Beefer Twin Pro foloseste, ca toate celelalte statii de gatit Beefer, tehnologia cu infrarosu ce provine de la arzatoare ceramice fixate in tavanul carcasei. Astfel grasimea fripturilor si sucurile preparatelor nu intra in contact cu sursa de caldura fiind ..
4,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,193.28 Lei
OONI Koda 2 MAX gas oven, this is the largest Ooni oven to date and makes it possible to bake a 50 cm New York-style pizza or several pizzas at the same time or even prepare an entire menu with several dishes. OONI Koda 2 MAX gas oven can generate two independently controllable cooking zones that ma..
4,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,197.48 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Traeger Grills
Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 575 ofera preparatelor temperatura necesara de coacere invaluita in aroma fumului specifica focului de lemne. Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 575 este echipat cu tehnologia WiFIRE®, functia Set-It & Forget-It® si Controler D2® cu TurboTemp ce ofera un control usor si pr..
4,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,200.84 Lei
In Stock
Promo Gratar smoker Gravity 800 pachet Masterbuilt cu husa si sac carbuni la oferta speciala Masterbuilt.
Gratar Carbuni cu plita Masterbuilt Gravity 800 are in plus fata de celelalte modele din seria Gravity un echipament ce concentreaza si directioneaza caldura in sus spre plita (tip plancha) car..
5,120.00 Lei 5,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,302.52 Lei
In Stock
Promo Gratar Classic Joe I pachet Kamado Joe cu husa si sac de carbuni Kamado Joe la oferta speciala.
Gratar Kamado Joe Classic Joe I carbuni este gratarul ceramic cu carbuni care sta la baza renumelui Kamado Joe ca marca premium producatoare de gratare ceramice tip Kamado iar modelul insusi este r..
5,139.00 Lei 5,538.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,318.49 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Green Mountain Grills - GMG
The TREK Prime 2.0 pellet grill with stand from GMG (Green Mountain Grills) is the ideal grill for those who want to enjoy a compact wood-flavored pellet grill for outdoor adventures such as fishing or hunting parties, or a walk with the motorhome as well as on the terrace at home. The Trek pellet g..
5,240.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,403.36 Lei
Brand: NAPOLEON Gourmet Grills
Napoleon Freestyle 425 PHANTOM with sizzle zone Napoleon offers grilling versatility in a compact grill format with a modern design, elegant satin black color, with a lot of power and premium quality well-known Napoleon like no other grill in this entry-level class. Whether you grill occasional..
5,299.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,452.94 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Beefer - Beef it or leave it
Gratar gaz statie infrarosu Beefer TWIN PRO gaz natural cu perete despartitor foloseste, ca toate celelalte statii de gatit Beefer, tehnologia cu infrarosu ce provine de la arzatoare ceramice fixate in tavanul carcasei. Astfel grasimea fripturilor si sucurile preparatelor nu intra in contact cu surs..
5,490.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,613.45 Lei
The HEAT X-245 G H built-in cooking station from Outdoorchef is part of the premium series of high-performance HEAT gas grills and can be easily integrated into any type of outdoor kitchen, whether on a metal or brick structure.
The HEAT X-245 G H built-in cooking station has 2 independent burner..
5,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,617.65 Lei
Promo Gratar smoker Gravity 1050 pachet Masterbuilt cu husa si sac carbuni Masterbuilt la oferta speciala.
Gratar Carbuni Afumatoare Digitala Masterbuilt Gravity 1050 poate fi folosit ca un gratar dar si ca o afumatoare (tip smoker) ce functioneaza pe carbuni sau brichete de carbuni oferind aroma r..
5,620.00 Lei 6,019.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,722.69 Lei
In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Noul gratar gaz Weber Spirit EPX-335 GBS Smart WiFi integreaza tehnologia de ultima ora (conexiune cu aplicatie pe telefoane mobile via WiFI) pentru a va oferi linistea si siguranta asupra frigerii sau coacerii preparatelor. Astfel castigati timp pentru familie, prieteni si oaspeti iar aplicatia Web..
5,699.00 Lei 6,220.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,789.08 Lei
In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar gaz Genesis E-315 de la Weber Grills inglobeaza calitatea legendara, performantele legendare si durabilitatea de neegalat intr-un pret nemaiintalnit pentru aceasta clasa de gratare Weber. Gratar gaz Genesis E-315 se bazeaza pe sistemul inovator de arzatoare PureBlu de la Weber ce este repreze..
5,985.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,029.41 Lei
In Stock
Brand: NAPOLEON Gourmet Grills
Gratar incorporabil cu gaz, modelul BILD485 al marcii canadiene Napoleon este un grill incorporabil de baza, robust si rezistent. Dotat cu trei arzatoare principale din inox, gratare pentru gatit din fonta completate de un sistem de rotiserie ceramic pentru preparate savuroase la rotisor, BILD485 es..
5,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,033.61 Lei
In Stock
The HEAT X OUTDOORCHEF 2-door and drawer cabinet module is a freestanding module part of the innovative HEAT outdoor kitchen system from OUTDOORCHEF that features large, varied and adjustable storage spaces.The cabinet is made of solid stainless steel with a durable black powder coating.
5,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,037.82 Lei
The HEAT X-245 cooking station kitchen module is a free-standing module, part of the innovative HEAT outdoor kitchen system from OUTDOORCHEF that features 2 independent burners, one gas burner type and a very high temperature grilling station. The HEAT X-245 cooking station kitchen module has a cabi..
6,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,457.98 Lei
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Competition 1250 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction, a very wide working temperature range (62°C – 537°C) and a digital control system that allows precise and convenient temperature adjustment, control that can be e..
6,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,457.98 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Competition 1250 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction and benefits from the free of charge cast iron cookware set from Pit Boss, a very wide working temperature range (62°C – 537°C) and a digital control system t..
6,495.00 Lei 7,390.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,457.98 Lei
In Stock
Gratar cu gaz OUTDOORCHEF DAVOS 570 G PRO echipat cu statie de frigere Blazing Zone este o adevarata masina de gatit ce va va deschide noi orizonturi in universul prepararii la gratar. Blazing Zone (cunoscuta popular ca si Searing Zone sau Sizzle Station) este recomandata pentru frigerea la temperat..
6,690.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,621.85 Lei
In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar gaz Genesis E-415 de la Weber Grills este modelul de baza al seriei Genesis dar care cuprinde toate elementele de referinta cum ar fi sistemul inovator de arzatoare PureBlu, materialele si finisajele seriei Weber Genesis care impreuna ofera calitatea legendara, performantele binecunoscute si..
6,699.00 Lei 7,290.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,629.41 Lei
In Stock
The HEAT X-415-RB-H built-in gas grill from Outdoorchef is part of the premium series of high-performance HEAT gas grills and can be easily integrated into any type of outdoor kitchen, whether on a metal or brick structure.
TThe HEAT X-415-RB-H built-in gas grill features 4 main burners covering ..
6,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,878.15 Lei
The HEAT X-345 RB gas grill from Outdoorchef opens a new era of gas grills because it comes equipped with all the cooking functions necessary for maximum culinary fun at the grill. The HEAT X-345 RB gas grill has 3 main burners covering a medium-large cooking surface (approx. 60 x 44 cm), 3 secondar..
6,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,878.15 Lei
In Stock
The HEAT 3-drawer cabinet module is part of the HEAT outdoor kitchen modular system and is equipped with 3 practical drawers with soft-closing. The clearly arranged drawers offer enough space for small and large barbecue accessories, pots, pans, cutlery and other dishes. But what makes this 3-drawer..
6,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,878.15 Lei
Brand: Traeger Grills
Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 780 ofera preparatelor temperatura necesara de coacere invaluita in aroma fumului specifica focului de lemne. Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 780 este echipat cu tehnologia WiFIRE®, functia Set-It & Forget-It® si Controler D2® cu TurboTemp ce ofera un control usor si pr..
6,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,881.51 Lei
In Stock
Brand: BBQ Kitchen
Modulul chiuveta cu baterie pentru bucataria exterioara BBQ Kitchen permite efectuarea si mentinerea curateniei si igienei cand pregatiti preparatele si cu atat mai mult cu cat sunteti in aer liber. Va rugam sa tineti cont ca este necesara o racordare la o sursa de apa pentru a utiliza chiuveta. Mod..
7,065.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,936.97 Lei
In Stock
The HEAT X-245 cooking station kitchen module is a free-standing module, part of the innovative HEAT outdoor kitchen system from OUTDOORCHEF that features 2 independent burners, one gas burner type and a very high temperature grilling station additionaly additionally equipped with a plancha for deli..
7,490.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,294.12 Lei
The HEAT X-515-RB-H built-in gas grill from Outdoorchef is part of the premium series of high-performance HEAT gas grills and can be easily integrated into any type of outdoor kitchen, whether on a metal or brick structure.
TThe HEAT X-515-RB-H built-in gas grill features 4 main burners covering ..
7,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
Gratar pe carbuni smartgrill Masterbuilt Gravity Series XT poate fi folosit ca un gratar, dar si ca un smoker (barbecue american style) ce functioneaza pe carbuni sau brichete de carbuni oferind aroma reala a lemnului cu ajutorul controlului temperaturii prin intermediul tehnologiilor inovatoare de ..
7,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Competition 1600 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction, a very wide working temperature range (62 °C – 537 °C) and a digital control system that allows precise and convenient temperature adjustment, control that can be..
7,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Competition 1600 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction and benefits from the free of charge cast iron cookware set from Pit Boss, a very wide working temperature range (62 °C – 537 °C) and a digital control system..
7,995.00 Lei 8,890.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
In Stock
The HEAT X-415-RB gas kitchen grill module from Outdoorchef is the basic element of the HEAT Outdoor Kitchen developed by OUTDOORCHEF based on the Heat X-445 grill. The HEAT X-415-RB kitchen gas grill module represents a new era of outdoor cooking based on gas grills from the pemium range.
The HE..
7,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
Promo Gratar smartgrill Gravity Series XT pachet Masterbuilt cu husa si sac carbuni Masterbuilt la oferta speciala.
Gratar pe carbuni smartgrill Masterbuilt Gravity Series XT poate fi folosit ca un gratar, dar si ca un smoker (barbecue american style) ce functioneaza pe carbuni sau brichete de carb..
8,120.00 Lei 8,519.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,823.53 Lei
In Stock
Promo Gratar Classic Joe II pachet Kamado Joe cu husa si sac carbuni la oferta speciala Kamado Joe.
Gratar carbuni Kamado Joe Classic Joe II este cel mai popular gratar ceramic cu carbune de la Kamado Joe, perfect pentru o partida clasica la gratar sau ca smoker si afumatoare de curte. Acest gratar..
8,250.00 Lei 8,798.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,932.77 Lei
In Stock
The HEAT X-445 RB gas grill from Outdoorchef represents a new era of premium gas grills. Equipped with all the cooking functions necessary for maximum culinary fun at the grill, the HEAT X-445 RB is the large model in the HEAT line. It has 4 main burners covering a large cooking surface (approx. 80 ..
8,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,138.66 Lei
In Stock