Pellet Grills
OONI Fyra 12 is a portable pizza oven that uses hardwood pellets (e.g. oak) to reach the temperature necessary for pizza baking and the intense aroma of wood pellets. Thus, now you can make great pizza anywhere! OONI Fyra 12 is the first portable pizza oven (and not only) in the world.
Pellet piz..
1,745.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,466.39 Lei
In Stock
Pachet PROMO Cuptor pizza cu peleti FYRA 12 de al OONI cu sac peleti 3 Kg, aprinzatoare eco, husa tip geanta de transport si cartea pentru pizza OONI.
OONI Fyra 12 este un cuptor de pizza portabil ce folosesti peleti din lemn de esenta tare (de ex. stejar) pentru a atinge temperatura necesara coace..
1,745.00 Lei 2,145.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,466.39 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar peleti portabil Pit Boss Navigator 150 poate gati oriunde mese delicioase cu aroma de lemne. Pe o suprafata de peste 1650 cmp puteti prepara bucate atat cu frigere directa (pana la 537° C) cat si la temperaturi mai reduse necesare pentru coacere si afumare. Datorita greutatii sale reduse si a..
2,180.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,831.93 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratarul peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 550 cu husa de protectie inclusa este un gratar si smoker de dimensiuni compacte ce ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare. Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 lucreaza intr-o..
2,995.00 Lei 3,440.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,516.81 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 550 este un gratar si smoker de dimensiuni compacte ce ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare. Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 lucreaza intr-o plaja larga de temperaturi de ..
2,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,516.81 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Traeger Grills
Gratar portabil cu peleti Traeger Ranger va aduce aroma reala a focului de lemn oriunde va duce aventura in aer liber. Cu controlerul digital Traeger (Digital Arc Controler), Ranger va permite un control precis al temperaturii sustinut de o functie suplimentara de mentinere la cald, astfel incat pre..
2,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,520.17 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 Smoker ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare intr-o constructie robusta ce confera noi experiente culinare. Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 lucreaza intr-o plaja larga ..
3,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,936.97 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 Smoker la oferta speciala cu husa inclusa, ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare intr-o constructie robusta ce confera noi experiente culinare. Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss N..
3,495.00 Lei 3,940.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,936.97 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Green Mountain Grills - GMG
Portable pellet grill TREK Prime 2.0 from GMG (Green Mountain Grills) is more than a portable grill and has several improvements compared to the previous version such as:
incorporating the voltage transformer under the pellet tank for better rain protection of the electrical connections;
3,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,936.97 Lei
Brand: Traeger Grills
Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 22 faciliteaza prepararea lejera a diverselor alimente completata de obtinerea unei arome incredibile de foc de lemne. Gratarele cu peleti Traeger sunt foarte usor de folosit si controlat ceea ce va permite sa va concentrati pe ceea ce este cu adevărat important: meniu..
3,499.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,940.34 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar COMBO grill gaz smoker peleti Pit Boss Navigator combina placerea aromei de lemn provenita de la arderea peletilor si confortul oferit de un gratar pe gaz in doua unitati de gratar distincte. Cu constructia robusta din otel de inalta calitate, cu tehnologia avansata de ardere a peletilor (dir..
3,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,357.14 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Navigator 1150 ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare intr-o constructie robusta ce confera noi experiente culinare. Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Navigator 1150 lucreaza intr-o plaja larga de te..
3,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,357.14 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Navigator 1150 cu husa inclusa, ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare intr-o constructie robusta ce confera noi experiente culinare. Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Navigator 1150 lucreaza intr-o ..
3,995.00 Lei 4,440.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,357.14 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 550 este un gratar si smoker de dimensiuni compacte ce ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare. Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 lucreaza intr-o plaja larga de temperaturi de la 82..
4,064.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,415.13 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Green Mountain Grills - GMG
Afumatoare cu peleti GMG Daniel Boone tip barbecue smoker este parte din gama Green Mountain Grills de peste 11 ani si putem spune ca a trecut cu brio testul timpului. Afumatoare cu peleti a fost permanent perfectionata si imbunatatita in mod constant, astfel incat sa puteti detine o afumatoare cu p..
4,245.00 Lei 4,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,567.23 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 Smoker ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare intr-o constructie robusta ce confera noi experiente culinare. Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 lucreaza intr-o plaja larga ..
4,533.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,809.24 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Pit Boss Pro 850 pellet smoker grill uses advanced technology of controlled combustion of hardwood food pellets and generates temperatures between 82° to 260 °C (indirect grilling, smoking, barbecue) but also searing temperatures of over 500 °C thanks to the special slot system incor..
4,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,197.48 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Pro 850 cu set vase fonta inclus la oferta speciala foloseste tehnologia avansata a arderii controlate a peletilor alimentari din lemn de esenta tare si genereaza temperaturi intre 82° la 260 °C (indirect grilling, smoking, barbecue) dar si temperatura ..
4,995.00 Lei 5,890.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,197.48 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Traeger Grills
Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 575 ofera preparatelor temperatura necesara de coacere invaluita in aroma fumului specifica focului de lemne. Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 575 este echipat cu tehnologia WiFIRE®, functia Set-It & Forget-It® si Controler D2® cu TurboTemp ce ofera un control usor si pr..
4,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,200.84 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Green Mountain Grills - GMG
The TREK Prime 2.0 pellet grill with stand from GMG (Green Mountain Grills) is the ideal grill for those who want to enjoy a compact wood-flavored pellet grill for outdoor adventures such as fishing or hunting parties, or a walk with the motorhome as well as on the terrace at home. The Trek pellet g..
5,240.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,403.36 Lei
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar COMBO grill gaz smoker peleti Pit Boss Navigator combina placerea aromei de lemn provenita de la arderea peletilor si confortul oferit de un gratar pe gaz in doua unitati de gratar distincte. Cu constructia robusta din otel de inalta calitate, cu tehnologia avansata de ardere a peletilor (dir..
5,269.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,427.73 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Navigator 1150 ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare intr-o constructie robusta ce confera noi experiente culinare. Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Navigator 1150 lucreaza intr-o plaja larga de te..
5,269.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,427.73 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Green Mountain Grills - GMG
Gratar afumatoare cu peleti GMG Ledge Prime PLUS INOX vine cu dotarile seriei anterioare PLUS o etajera frontala rabatabila, lumina in interiorul gratarului, montare cu rotisor, grilaj de gatit cu bare mai groase si capac din inox cu geam de vizitare. Modelele Ledge Prime PLUS sunt construite si mai..
5,595.00 Lei 6,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,701.68 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Pro Series 1150 foloseste tehnologia avansata a arderii controlate a peletilor alimentari din lemn de esenta tare. Gratarul Pit Boss Pro Series 1150 genereaza temperaturi intre 82° la 260°C – astfel incat sa puteti pregati preparate de la coacere lenta (slow cooking..
5,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,037.82 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Competition 1250 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction, a very wide working temperature range (62°C – 537°C) and a digital control system that allows precise and convenient temperature adjustment, control that can be e..
6,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,457.98 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Competition 1250 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction and benefits from the free of charge cast iron cookware set from Pit Boss, a very wide working temperature range (62°C – 537°C) and a digital control system t..
6,495.00 Lei 7,390.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,457.98 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Green Mountain Grills - GMG
Gratar Smoker cu peleti GMG PEAK Prime PLUS INOX vine cu un controler digital care va permite sa controlati si sa monitorizati gratarul prin intermediul aplicatiei noastre mobile iOS sau Android, doua sonde de temperatura pentru carne si un port USB. Cu noile ferestre incoporporate in capacul gratar..
6,795.00 Lei 8,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,710.08 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Traeger Grills
Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 780 ofera preparatelor temperatura necesara de coacere invaluita in aroma fumului specifica focului de lemne. Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 780 este echipat cu tehnologia WiFIRE®, functia Set-It & Forget-It® si Controler D2® cu TurboTemp ce ofera un control usor si pr..
6,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,881.51 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Green Mountain Grills - GMG
The Ledge Prime 2.0 pellet grill from GMG Green Mountain Grills is an American BBQ-style smoker grill that offers the highest quality wood-burning smoke due to burning pellets, generating consistent heat and unparalleled temperature control. Pellet grill Ledge Prime 2.0 has a new design of the cooki..
7,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,298.32 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Competition 1600 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction, a very wide working temperature range (62 °C – 537 °C) and a digital control system that allows precise and convenient temperature adjustment, control that can be..
7,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
The Competition 1600 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction and benefits from the free of charge cast iron cookware set from Pit Boss, a very wide working temperature range (62 °C – 537 °C) and a digital control system..
7,995.00 Lei 8,890.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Cu un gratar cu peleti Weber SmokeFire poti frige steak-uri sau fripturi de vita, poti afuma coaste si gati low and slow dar si coace paine sau pizza. Acest gratar cu peleti Weber SmokeFire EX4 GBS asigura aroma optima generata de un foc cu peleti din rumegus de lemn pentru toate preparatele pregati..
7,998.99 Lei
Ex Tax:6,721.84 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Pit Boss Grills
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Pro 1600 WiFi este modelul de varf al gamei de gratare & afumatoare cu peleti Pit Boss. Si acest gratar afumatoare Pit Boss foloseste tehnologia avansata a arderii controlate a peletilor alimentari din lemn de esenta tare ce genereaza temperaturi intre 82° la 260°C ..
8,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,138.66 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Green Mountain Grills - GMG
The Peak Prime 2.0 pellet grill from GMG Green Mountain Grills is the largest pellet grill model (pellet smoker, American BBQ Style) from the Prime 2.0 series and has an area of approx. 94 x 42 cm. The Peak Prime 2.0 pellet grill has a new design of the cooking enclosure with rounded shapes a..
8,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,558.82 Lei
In Stock
Brand: Traeger Grills
Gratar cu peleti Traeger Ironwood 650 ofera o serie de functii suplimentare de gatit fata de gama Pro Series acestea fiind completate de izolatia dubla a peretilor laterali ce asigura o distributie uniforma a caldurii pentru rezultate si mai consistente cu mai multa eficienta energetica. Cu functia ..
8,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,562.18 Lei
In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar cu peleti Weber SmokeFire EX6 GBS ce functioneaza cu peleti alimentari din rumegus presat si fara aditivi, acest model este un adevarat gratar 3 in 1, oferind optiuni diferite de preparare de la temperaturi joase pentru Low & Slow Cooking si Smoking pana la temperaturi inalte de frigere pentr..
9,440.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,932.77 Lei
In Stock