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Contact Us

SHOWROOM Bucuresti: Str. Maica Alexandra nr. 5, sector 1, Bucuresti

Store address
Str. Maica Alexandra nr. 5, sector 1, Bucuresti
Working hours
Monday-Friday: 09.30-18.00
Saturday: 10.00-14.00
Sunday: CLOSED

SHOWROOM Tunari: Calea Bucuresti nr. 52, Tunari, Ilfov

Store address
Calea Bucuresti nr. 52, Tunari, Ilfov
Working hours
Monday-Friday: 10.00-19.00
Saturday: 10.00-14.00
Sunday: CLOSED
SC 360 Multi-Solutions SRL
VAT ID: RO21107639
No. reg. com.: J40/3211/2007
IBAN (RON): RO48 INGB 0000 9999 0142 0709
IBAN (EUR): RO60 INGB 0000 9999 0470 1227
ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam - suc. Bucuresti

IBAN (RON): RO40 BTRL 0640 1202 E029 37XX
Banca Transilvania S.A. sucursala Marriott, Bucuresti

Contact form


In case you need additional advice or answers to different questions, we are happy to offer you the possibility to send us a simple email by filling in the contact form besides the possibility of contacting us by phone No. + 4021 410 14 22.

360 Multi-Solutions SRL holds the notified approval under no. 37132 in the personal data processing register at the National Authority for Personal Data Processing Supervision. For this reason, the General Terms of Use, Privacy and Data Protection for Individuals (GDPR) can be found here.

Our Location - Your Barbecue Shop
SHOWROOM BUCURESTI: Str. Maica Alexandra nr. 5, sector 1,
Bucuresti (zona Piata 1 Mai, Bd. Ion Mihalache)
Tel: 0721 147 455

SHOWROOM TUNARI: Calea Bucuresti nr. 52, Tunari, ILFOV
Tel: 0726 363 377
+40 721 147 455

+40 214 101 422
Opening Times
Luni-Vineri: 09.30-18.00
Sambata: 10.00-14.00
Duminica: INCHIS

Luni-Vineri: 10.00-19.00
Sambata: 10.00-14.00
Duminica: INCHIS