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We present you new grills and barbecue accessories for 2022, new gas grills, new charcoal grills, new electric grills, cast iron pots, cast iron pans, cast iron grills and hobs, clothes and lighting lamps, news in outdoor, camping and lifestyle.

Kit aprindere cu chibrit Petromax a focului de lemne ce usureaza munca, efortul de a aprinde un foc de lemne. Pur si simplu conectati cele sase bete la carton, apoi puneti conul format din cele 6 bete in mijlocul lemnelor de foc stivuite sau in mijlocul carbunelui de gratar sau a brichetelor si apri..
10.00 Lei
Ex Tax:8.40 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Big Mike BEEF beef seasoning from Don Marco's BBQ is part of the series of collaborations of Don Marco's BBQ with friends from the barbecue world and not only who live and celebrate the passion for Grill & Barbecue every day. As the name says, seasoning for beef Big Mike BEEF is suitable for any typ..
49.00 Lei
Ex Tax:41.18 Lei
Availability: In Stock
SmokyOcean fish and seafood seasoning brings thoughts and taste to the sea and is ideal for any seafood. With this mixture of spices, Smokylip discovered his passion for barbecue and developed it to perfection. Since then, this mixture of spices has accompanied him to every barbecue class, to every ..
49.00 Lei
Ex Tax:41.18 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Big Mike WILD meat seasoning from Don Marco's BBQ is specially created to perfectly season wild boar, venison or roe deer meat. But to create such a versatile spice, a lot of experience is needed. Big Mike is (also) a hunter, he prepares his game on the grill and has the strictest jury in the world:..
49.00 Lei
Ex Tax:41.18 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Fish and seafood seasoning Big Mike FISH from Don Marco's BBQ is for everything that swims in Neptune's universe, whether it's salmon or shrimp, everything gets an aromatic note of herbs and spices. To this mixture is added the interaction between a slightly spicy note and a subtle sweetness. You ca..
49.00 Lei
Ex Tax:41.18 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Aschii de afumare din lemn de cires ce creaza o aroma de fum deosebita, usor fructata pentru pasare, carne de porc, carne de berbec, branzeturi si multe alte preparate. Afumarea cu aschii din lemn de cires se poate realiza simplu si rapid in majoritatea gratarelor fie ele cu gaz sau cu carbune. Aces..
49.00 Lei
Ex Tax:41.18 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Sac carbuni 7.25 kg MASTERBUILT contine carbune din lemn de esenta tare ce ofera o aroma delicioasa de carbune la temperaturi scazute si are, de asemenea, capacitatea de a atinge temperaturi ridicate rapid si constant. Caracteristici sac carbuni 7.25 kg Masterbuilt: 100% lemn premium de esenta t..
125.00 Lei
Ex Tax:105.04 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Perie triunghiulara cu peri nylon Outdoorchef, acest model de perie curatare este deosebit de eficienta in indepartarea resturilor incrustate pe gratar. Forma triunghiulara a periei OutdoorChef cu colturi faciliteaza accesul chiar si in cele mai stramte locuri curatand complet gratarul propriu-zis d..
125.00 Lei
Ex Tax:105.04 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Palnie silicon si extindere rezervor Smoke are rolul de a prelungi timpul de afumat (pana la 5 ore) dar in acelasi timp este un instrument util pentru a umple simplu, curat si rapid chipsuri de afumare in rezervorul generatorului de fum rece si cald SMOKE. Capacitatea de stocare a extensiei este de ..
125.00 Lei
Ex Tax:105.04 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Pack of 3 Big Mike Seasonings WILD, BEEF, FISH Don Marco's BBQ
-12 %
Pack of 3 Big Mike Seasonings WILD, BEEF, FISH from Don Marco's BBQ is specially created to perfectly season any type of meat. But to create such a versatile spice, a lot of experience is needed. Big Mike is (also) a hunter, he prepares his game on the grill and has the strictest jury in the world: ..
129.00 Lei 147.00 Lei
Ex Tax:108.40 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Beef Brisket Rub este strans legat de Franklin deoarece acest condiment este folosit zilnic in restaurantul lui din Texas (USA) pentru cel mai faimos preparat al sau: Beef Brisket (piept de vita, bucata intreaga afumata si coapta lent).  Ingrediente: Sare si piper BBQ Spice Rub ..
147.00 Lei
Ex Tax:123.53 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Perie gratar premium Outdoorchef, acest model de perie curatare este o inovatie a marcii elvetiene OUTDOORCHEF. O perie mare pentru gratar, de calitate premium, cu peri de nylon si maner flexibil din silicon ce actioneaza fara sa deterioreze gratarul pe care se gateste. Datorita perilor de nylon, ac..
149.00 Lei
Ex Tax:125.21 Lei
Availability: In Stock
This set of 4 stainless steel kebab skewers from Petromax is an essential cooking accessory for all barbecue and outdoor cooking lovers. Made of strong, durable material, these skewers allow you to grill meat and vegetables effortlessly. Even the thick pieces of meat from the sis kebab or the minced..
149.00 Lei
Ex Tax:125.21 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Presa burger Weber ideala pentru utilizare pe plita sau plancha. Datorita materialului din fonta ce retine caldura in mod eficient si o distribuie uniform pe bucata de carne, bacon sau panini, obtineti preparate crocante si gustoase pe plita.  Caracteristici presa burger Weber: materia..
169.00 Lei
Ex Tax:142.02 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Acest mojar din fonta Petromax este ajutorul ideal pentru arome proaspete în bucataria in aer liber. Un ajutor  pentru o aroma cuprinzatoare si intensa; mojarul din fonta Petromax este instrumentul ce genereaza aromele excelente pentru mancarurile tale prin zdrobirea boabelor de piper, a condimentel..
175.00 Lei
Ex Tax:147.06 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The stainless steel Charcoal Chimney from Petromax allows charcoal and briquettes to ignite quickly thanks to the optimal air supply through the side vents. With a capacity of 6.5 liters, thermal protection shield and robust stainless steel body, it is ideal for efficiently lighting the barbecue. Th..
175.00 Lei
Ex Tax:147.06 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Bag of Quebracho charcoal 15 kg Paraguay Black Ranch contains pieces of Quebracho charcoal from Paraguay, South America. Quebracho coal from Paraguay has a burning behavior similar to that of its Argentine neighbor, Black Ranch Argentina. The only differences are in the size of the coal pieces. The ..
179.00 Lei
Ex Tax:150.42 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Beef Brisket Rub este strans legat de Franklin deoarece acest condiment este folosit zilnic in restaurantul lui din Texas (USA) pentru cel mai faimos preparat al sau: Beef Brisket (piept de vita, bucata intreaga afumata si coapta lent).  Ingrediente: Sare si piper BBQ Spice Rub ..
195.00 Lei
Ex Tax:163.87 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The most successful adventures start with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Even in the true wilderness, good coffee should not be left out. With the Petromax hand coffee grinder you can make your campfire coffee fresher and more aromatic than ever. The Petromax manual coffee grinder is more than a si..
249.00 Lei
Ex Tax:209.24 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Petromax heat-resistant leather and kevlar gloves are dark brown barbecue gloves, made of high-quality suede, and equipped with an additional layer of Kevlar® on the palms, which can withstand temperatures up to 250°C. Start your outdoor cooking adventure with confidence and protection thanks to BBQ..
249.00 Lei
Ex Tax:209.24 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The OUTDOORCHEF double-sided ribbed and smooth cast iron griddle, 19.5 x 43.5 cm HEAT is a solid cast iron plate that ensures even heat distribution and gives meat, steaks, burger patties, fish and vegetables the perfect roasting and frying aromas. The cast iron griddle with its smooth and ribbed su..
250.00 Lei
Ex Tax:210.08 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The heat deflector ceramic plate turns your Akorn kamado grill into a smoker. Air circulates around the meat while protecting the food from direct heat and flame, turning the grill into an outdoor convection oven. The cordierite material withstands temperatures above 500˚C. Unique design that deflec..
250.00 Lei
Ex Tax:210.08 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The most durable grill cover in the Char-Griller range, the AKORN Char-Griller Grill Cover is 100% premium quality for more resistance than a traditional vinyl grill cover. Polyester material is solution dyed for superior fade resistance. This cover is guaranteed to protect your grill from rain, sle..
250.00 Lei
Ex Tax:210.08 Lei
Availability: In Stock
O tigaie fonta de calitate nu trebuie sa lipseasca din nici o bucatarie deoarece are o durata de viata indelungata si este recunoscuta pentru calitatea de a retine caldura impecabil. Fonta masiva, groasa, preia caldura rapid si o imparte uniform in preparare. Tigaie fonta 28 cm Outdoorchef este vari..
300.00 Lei
Ex Tax:252.10 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Cutit Universal 14 cm Petromax, fabricat in Solingen, Germania, este cutitul de bucatar pentru utilizarea zilnica. Cu acest cutit universal cu lama de 14 cm poti gati in mod ideal imbinand placerea gatitului cu bucataria in aer liber, pentru ca otelul de inalta calitate si manerul robust din lemn de..
345.00 Lei
Ex Tax:289.92 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Cutitul bucatarului Phantom Chef’s Knife de la Napoleon este un cutit cu un desgin elegant, negru mat, dintr-o serie limitata si este potrivit pentru practic toate lucrarile de taiere legate de prepararea si servirea specialitatilor la gratar. Cutitul bucatarului Phantom Chef’s Knif..
370.00 Lei
Ex Tax:310.92 Lei
Availability: In Stock
With this Dimego camping oven from Petromax you will experience a new era of outdoor cooking thanks to the cooking concept, the materials used and the compact size. Dimego camping oven is ideal for fresh food cooked like in the oven, such as juicy roasts in a pan, crispy buns or delicious cakes. The..
399.00 Lei
Ex Tax:335.29 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Plita fonta gratar electric Lumin Compact Weber este conceputa pentru a diversifica modul de preparare la gratarul electric. Astfel, puteti gati dimineata oua ochiuri si clatite iar seara Fajitas sau Quesadillas. Plita fonta Lumin are un strat de portelan ce dispune impartirea eficienta a caldurii i..
445.00 Lei
Ex Tax:373.95 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Protect your Pit Boss Competition 1600 and 1600 TITAN pellet grill with a premium cover tailored for it. These covers are made of durable polyester with a PVC backing and provide full-length, snug coverage. Effective as well as durable, complete your grill with a cover and give it the protection it ..
445.00 Lei
Ex Tax:373.95 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Protect your Pit Boss Competition 1250 pellet grill with a premium cover tailored for it. These covers are made of durable polyester with a PVC backing and provide full-length, snug coverage. Effective as well as durable, complete your grill with a cover and give it the protection it deserves. Addit..
445.00 Lei
Ex Tax:373.95 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Cutit de taiat paine Petromax, fabricat in Germania la Solingen, este cutitul de paine practic, elegant si compact, numai bun de folosit atat acasa cat si de luat in calatorii. Cu acest cutit de taiat paine puteti taia paine proaspata, baghete, rulouri si ciabatta precis si fara efort in cel mai scu..
450.00 Lei
Ex Tax:378.15 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Dimego stainless steel cookware set from Petromax offers quality and functionality both on the go and at home. The Dimego stainless steel cookware set has an innovative ceramic layer and a convenient stacking feature, the perfect solution for easy transport and to save space when you are camping, ca..
450.00 Lei
Ex Tax:378.15 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Blazinglas®, inovatie Outdoorchef, este o adevarata revolutie pentru toate arzatoarele cu infrarosu de temperatura foarte mare, deoarece de acum inainte caldura poate fi folosita intr-un mod deosebit de divers si chiar mai eficient! Flacarile generate de scurgerea grasimilor si gustul amar rezultat ..
495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:415.97 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The HEAT X-345 grill cover protects your OUTDOORCHEF grill from weather, moisture and dirt, thus effectively increasing its lifespan. The cover is made of extra-resistant and water-repellent material, offers optimal protection against rain, snow, leaves, pollen and UV radiation and remains safe on t..
495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:415.97 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Knife sharpener HORL 3 Cruise is a rolling knife sharpener, versatile, that emphasizes the essential elements when it comes to sharpening the blade of a knife be it with angles of 20° (European kitchen knives) or 15° (such as lamp knives or to knives with the blade of damascus). Thus the two..
495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:415.97 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Cutitul bucatarului 17 cm Petromax este un cutit versatil pentru taierea legumelor, pestelui si carnii, realizat manual la Solingen (Germania). Un strat de oxid individual confera cutitului bucatarului un aspect deosebit, fiecare cutit fiind unic. Lama cutitului bucatarului are lungimea de 17 cm si ..
495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:415.97 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Showing 1 to 36 of 160 (5 Pages)