New grills and barbecue accessories

We present you new grills and barbecue accessories for 2022, new gas grills, new charcoal grills, new electric grills, cast iron pots, cast iron pans, cast iron grills and hobs, clothes and lighting lamps, news in outdoor, camping and lifestyle.

Lighting wood fire kit Petromax
10.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Kit aprindere cu chibrit Petromax a focului de lemne ce usureaza munca, efortul de a aprinde un foc ..

Big Mike BEEF Don Marco's BBQ Seasoning
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Big Mike BEEF beef seasoning from Don Marco's BBQ is part of the series of collaborations of Don Mar..

SmokyOcean fish and seafood seasoning
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

SmokyOcean fish and seafood seasoning brings thoughts and taste to the sea and is ideal for any seaf..

Big Mike WILD meat seasoning Don Marco's BBQ
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Big Mike WILD meat seasoning from Don Marco's BBQ is specially created to perfectly season wild boar..

Fish and seafood seasoning Big Mike FISH from Don Marco's BBQ
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Fish and seafood seasoning Big Mike FISH from Don Marco's BBQ is for everything that swims in Neptun..

Beech wood smoking chips
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Aschii de afumare din lemn de fag creaza o aroma de fum deosebita, usor fructata pentru peste, carne..

Oak smoking chips from red wine barrels
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Aschii de afumare din doage de butoi de vin rosu creaza o aroma de fum deosebita, usor fructata pent..

Oak smoking chips from whiskey barrels
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Aschii de afumare din doage de butoi de whiskey creaza o aroma de fum deosebita, usor fructata pentr..

Olive wood smoking chips
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Aschii de afumare din lemn de maslin creaza o aroma de fum deosebita, usor fructata pentru peste, ca..

Smoking chips cherry wood
49.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Aschii de afumare din lemn de cires ce creaza o aroma de fum deosebita, usor fructata pentru pasare,..

Charcoal bag 7.25 kg Masterbuilt
125.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Sac carbuni 7.25 kg MASTERBUILT contine carbune din lemn de esenta tare ce ofera o aroma delicioasa ..

Outdoorchef Triangular nylon grill brush
125.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Perie triunghiulara cu peri nylon Outdoorchef, acest model de perie curatare este deosebit de eficie..

Outdoorchef replacement and extension silicon funnel for Smoke
125.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Palnie silicon si extindere rezervor Smoke are rolul de a prelungi timpul de afumat (pana la 5 ore) ..

-12% Pack of 3 Big Mike Seasonings WILD, BEEF, FISH Don Marco's BBQ
147.00 Lei 129.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Pack of 3 Big Mike Seasonings WILD, BEEF, FISH from Don Marco's BBQ is specially created to perfectl..

Premium nylon cleaning brush Outdoorchef
149.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Perie gratar premium Outdoorchef, acest model de perie curatare este o inovatie a marcii elvetiene O..

Stainless steel 4 pcs kebab skewers Petromax
149.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

This set of 4 stainless steel kebab skewers from Petromax is an essential cooking accessory for all ..

Rubs Pack Franklin Barbecue
147.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Beef Brisket Rub este strans legat de Franklin deoarece acest condiment este folosit zilnic in resta..

Burger press Weber
169.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Presa burger Weber ideala pentru utilizare pe plita sau plancha. Datorita materialului din fonta ce ..

-13% Rubs Pack 326 gr Franklin Barbecue
195.00 Lei 169.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Beef Brisket Rub este strans legat de Franklin deoarece acest condiment este folosit zilnic in resta..

Stainless Steel Charcoal Chimney Petromax
175.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

The stainless steel Charcoal Chimney from Petromax allows charcoal and briquettes to ignite quickly ..

Quebracho Charcoal 15 Kg Paraguay Black Ranch
179.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Bag of Quebracho charcoal 15 kg Paraguay Black Ranch contains pieces of Quebracho charcoal from Para..

Manual coffee grinder Petromax
249.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

The most successful adventures start with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Even in the true wildernes..

Petromax heat-resistant leather and kevlar gloves
249.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Petromax heat-resistant leather and kevlar gloves are dark brown barbecue gloves, made of high-quali..

Char-Griller Akorn heat deflector
250.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

The heat deflector ceramic plate turns your Akorn kamado grill into a smoker. Air circulates around ..

Char-Griller Grill Cover Akorn
250.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

The most durable grill cover in the Char-Griller range, the AKORN Char-Griller Grill Cover is 100% p..

Char Griller grill cover Traditional
290.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Made from a durable, hard-wearing fabric, this grill cover provides long-lasting protection from rai..

Outdoorchef cast iron pan 28 cm
300.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

O tigaie fonta de calitate nu trebuie sa lipseasca din nici o bucatarie deoarece are o durata de via..

Petromax universal knife 14 cm, made in Solingen, Germany
345.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Cutit Universal 14 cm Petromax, fabricat in Solingen, Germania, este cutitul de bucatar pentru utili..

Petromax camping oven Dimego
399.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

With this Dimego camping oven from Petromax you will experience a new era of outdoor cooking thanks ..

Castiron grill griddle Lumin Compact Weber
445.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Plita fonta gratar electric Lumin Compact Weber este conceputa pentru a diversifica modul de prepara..

Petromax bread knife
450.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Cutit de taiat paine Petromax, fabricat in Germania la Solingen, este cutitul de paine practic, eleg..

Petromax Dimego stainless steel cookware set
450.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Dimego stainless steel cookware set from Petromax offers quality and functionality both on the go an..

BLAZINGLAS®, OUTDOORCHEF innovation, perfect crust and intense taste without traces of burning
495.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Blazinglas®, inovatie Outdoorchef, este o adevarata revolutie pentru toate arzatoarele cu infrarosu ..

HORL 3 Cruise knife sharpener
495.00 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order

Knife sharpener HORL 3 Cruise is a rolling knife sharpener, versatile, that emphasizes the essential..

Petromax chef's knife 17 cm, made in Germany
495.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Cutitul bucatarului 17 cm Petromax este un cutit versatil pentru taierea legumelor, pestelui si carn..

Grill rotisserie system Masterbuilt Gravity
499.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock

Rotisor electric gratar Masterbuilt acest model de rotisor gratar este potrivit seriei de gratare cu..

Showing 1 to 36 of 141 (4 Pages)