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Fire places

Outdoor fireplaces, outdoor stoves or grill disks

Outdoor terrace fireplaces or grill dishes that can be traditionally prepared on the fire disk.

Acest disc gratar de calitate premium confectionat din otel de calitate inalta este un disc gratar produs in Germania sub marca Petromax. Fie ca doriti sa il utilizati ca un semineu exterior in aer liber si sa va bucurati de o seara traditionala in jurul focului sau va place sa gatiti la disc, acest..
399.00 Lei
Ex Tax:335.29 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Fire place Pyron Fire place Pyron
Outlet -15 %
Made entirely of stainless steel, this outdoor fireplace has the shape of a burning barrel, with double walls. The special design together with the refined draft system gives this fireplace an extreme efficiency and almost no smoke in the ignition and combustion process. All this due to the effect o..
975.00 Lei 1,150.00 Lei
Ex Tax:819.33 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Relaxare si confort va ofera semineul mobil pentru exterior marca Weber. Fireplace-ul Weber incalzeste atmosfera intr-un mod placut oriunde l-ati pozitiona: pe terasa, in gradina sau in camping. Veti beneficia de caldura placuta a semineului cu lemne insa fara murdarie, oricand pe parcursul anului. ..
999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:839.50 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Vatra foc Petromax este focul de tabara si zona de gatit pentru aventurile tale de gatit in aer liber. Vatra foc Petromax este usor de transportat, fiind prevazuta cu manere oferind posibilitatea de a gati in mod diferit si la temperaturi diferite si fiind prevazuta cu compertimente pentru jar. Dato..
1,225.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,029.41 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar All-in-One Atago de la Petromax, acest model de barbecue multifunctional cu utilizare in aer liber este in acelasi timp un grill cu carbuni pentru camping sau curte, un cuptor eficient in combinatie cu ceaunul olandez, un aragaz cu carbune sau chiar un semineu exterior cu lemne. Robust si po..
1,250.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,050.42 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Charcoal grill Atago with convenction and carry bag Charcoal grill Atago with convenction and carry bag
-15 %
Gratar carbuni Atago cu capac si geanta transport este un set din 3 articole Petromax pentru toti cer care doresc mai mult: placerea de a gati in aer liber intr-un mod cat mai variat si usor. Setul cuprinde: gratarul multifunctional Atago, capacul tip cupola pentru circulatia aerului si geanta de tr..
1,399.00 Lei 1,639.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,175.63 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Fire place Tyropit Feuerhand Fire place Tyropit Feuerhand
Outlet -15 %
A stainless steel terrace fireplace in industrial design turns your terrace into a point of attraction, giving it a special charm. The specially designed construction with stainless steel double walls and permanent draft holes offers effective functionality and implicitly relaxing hours in the open ..
1,399.00 Lei 1,650.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,175.63 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Made entirely of stainless steel, this outdoor fireplace Pyron from Petromax has the shape of a burning barrel, with double walls. The special design together with the refined draft system gives this fireplace an extreme efficiency and almost no smoke in the ignition and combustion process. All this..
1,499.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,259.66 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Fire place Tyropit Petromax in industrial design turns your terrace into a point of attraction, giving it a special charm. The specially designed construction with stainless steel double walls and permanent draft holes offers effective functionality and implicitly relaxing hours in the open air, und..
1,895.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,592.44 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar carbuni Atago cu plancha este un pachet compus din gratarul portabil cu carbuni Atago si plancha de fier forjat cu doua accesorii de gatit. Acest lucru va permite sa gatiti cu un gratar multi-talent oriunde ati pleca fie la pescuit, fie cu rulota si de ce nu chiar acasa in gradina. Placa din ..
1,915.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,609.24 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Made entirely of stainless steel, this outdoor fireplace Pyron from Petromax has the shape of a burning barrel, with double walls. The special design together with the refined draft system gives this fireplace an extreme efficiency and almost no smoke in the ignition and combustion process. All this..
2,644.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,221.85 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Fire place Tyropit with plancha Petromax in industrial design turns your terrace into a point of attraction, giving it a special charm. The specially designed construction with stainless steel double walls and permanent draft holes offers effective functionality and implicitly relaxing hours in the ..
3,040.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,554.62 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Garden BBQ MORSØ Grill Forno II Garden BBQ MORSØ Grill Forno II
Outlet -20 %
Gratar de gradina MORSØ Grill Forno II este un gratar cu lemne dar poate fi si un semineu de exterior inspirat din modelul de succes, cuptorul cu lemne MORSØ FORNO, devenit in cativa ani de la lansare un element de referinta in domeniul OUTDOOR COOKING. Gratarul de gradina MORSØ Grill Forno imbina c..
3,990.00 Lei 4,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,352.94 Lei
Availability: In Stock
MORSØ FORNO este un cuptor cu lemne ce poate fi usor transformat intr-un gratar cu lemne. Forma sa interioara este inspirata din cuptoarele de piatra italienesti si ofera destul spatiu pentru prepararea de diverse feluri de mancare. Caldura radianta constanta si uniforma promite un rezultat complet ..
6,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,873.95 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
MORSØ FORNO cuptor pizza cu lemne, un cuptor de gradina cu blat de lucru ce este compus din cuptorul cu lemne MORSØ FORNO si o masa metalica lunga de 120 cm, cu 4 roti directoare, capabila sa sustina greutatea proprie a cuptorului (96 kg), a accesoriilor utilizate si a lemnelor de foc depozitate in ..
10,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:9,235.29 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 (1 Pages)