Pizza ovens
Ooni Karu 12 can work both with wood (approx. 15 cm long) and charcoal and bakes a 33 cm pizza like a brick oven in just 60 seconds. The firebox for wood or charcoal maximizes the circulation of hot air in the oven, while the high temperatures simultaneously ensure the self-cleaning of the oven. The..
1,565.00 Lei 1,745.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,315.13 Lei
In Stock
OONI Fyra 12 is a portable pizza oven that uses hardwood pellets (e.g. oak) to reach the temperature necessary for pizza baking and the intense aroma of wood pellets. Thus, now you can make great pizza anywhere! OONI Fyra 12 is the first portable pizza oven (and not only) in the world.
Pellet piz..
1,745.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,466.39 Lei
In Stock
Pachet PROMO Cuptor pizza cu peleti FYRA 12 de al OONI cu sac peleti 3 Kg, aprinzatoare eco, husa tip geanta de transport si cartea pentru pizza OONI.
OONI Fyra 12 este un cuptor de pizza portabil ce folosesti peleti din lemn de esenta tare (de ex. stejar) pentru a atinge temperatura necesara coace..
1,745.00 Lei 2,145.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,466.39 Lei
In Stock
The Ooni Koda 12 gas pizza oven is great because your time is precious, so make it count. Ooni Koda 12 bakes amazing pizzas in 60 seconds. Super compact, without having to assemble it, no dirt, no fuss, it's ready to work in a few seconds. Cooking outdoors with gas has never been so simple (or so be..
1,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,676.47 Lei
In Stock
Pachet Promo Cuptor pizza cu gaz Koda 12 vu husa tip geanta de transport, boluri depozitare ingrediente si racleta aluat pizza OONI.
Cuptor de pizza cu gaz Ooni Koda 12 este minunat pentru ca timpul tau este pretios, asa ca fa-l sa conteze. Ooni Koda 12 coace pizza uluitoare in 60 de secunde. Super..
1,995.00 Lei 2,470.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,676.47 Lei
In Stock
Ooni Karu 12 MultiFuel pizza oven can work both with wood or charcoal and with gas. If you want to use the pizza oven in the gas version, then the firebox intended for burning wood or coal must be disconnected and replaced with a device with two gas burners. This procedure is very simple, fast and s..
1,995.00 Lei 2,245.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,676.47 Lei
In Stock
Ooni Karu 12G pizza oven is the most advanced portable pizza oven that can bake a 33 cm pizza like a brick oven in 60 seconds. The Ooni Karu 12G pizza oven can work both with wood (the 13 cm long log) and with charcoal or coal briquettes. The firebox for wood or charcoal maximizes the circulation of..
2,145.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,802.52 Lei
Wood and charcoal oven Karu 2 OONI is the newest and most advanced portable pizza oven that can bake a 33 cm pizza like a brick oven in 60 seconds. The Ooni Karu 2 pizza oven can work both with wood (13 cm long hearth) and with coal or charcoal briquettes. The firebox for wood or coal maximizes the ..
2,145.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,802.52 Lei
In Stock
Pizza oven Ooni Karu 12G in the WOOD - COAL - GAS version has the necessary equipment to be used either with gas (bottle source) or with charcoal and wood. Switching from one device to another is simple and fast. Pizza oven OONI Karu 12 G is the most advanced portable pizza oven that can bake a 33 c..
2,645.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,222.69 Lei
Wood, charcoal or gas oven Karu 2 OONI is the newest and most advanced portable pizza oven that can bake a 33 cm pizza like a brick oven in 60 seconds. The Ooni Karu 2 hybrid pizza oven can work both with wood (13 cm long hearth) and with coal or charcoal briquettes but also with gas. The firebox fo..
2,645.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,222.69 Lei
In Stock
Rediscover the outdoor cooking experience with the Ooni Koda 16, the gas-powered outdoor pizza oven designed to bake fabulous 16-inch (approx. 41 cm) pizzas and delicious flame-cooked steaks, fish and vegetables.
Combining spectacular design with the convenience of gas cooking, the Ooni Koda 16 h..
2,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,516.81 Lei
In Stock
Pachet Promo Cuptor pizza cu gaz Koda 16 cu husa de protectie, set boluri depozitare ingrediente, racleta de aluat si cartea pizza OONI.
Redescoperiti experienta de gatit in aer liber cu Ooni Koda 16, cuptorul pentru pizza in aer liber alimentat cu gaz, conceput pentru a coace pizza fabuloas..
2,995.00 Lei 3,595.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,516.81 Lei
In Stock
.Wood pizza oven OONI Karu 16 brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience with Ooni pizza ovens that include the most advanced technology. After only 15 minutes of preheating, you will be able to cook at 500°C wood or coal fired pizza in 60 seconds, perfectly roasted Tomahawk beef steak..
3,595.00 Lei 3,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,021.01 Lei
In Stock
Brand: MORSØ Danemarca, since 1853
Gratar de gradina MORSØ Grill Forno II este un gratar cu lemne dar poate fi si un semineu de exterior inspirat din modelul de succes, cuptorul cu lemne MORSØ FORNO, devenit in cativa ani de la lansare un element de referinta in domeniul OUTDOOR COOKING. Gratarul de gradina MORSØ Grill Forno imbina c..
3,990.00 Lei 4,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,352.94 Lei
In Stock
Karu 2 Pro wood oven from OONI Pizza Ovens brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience from the entire range of Ooni ovens. The Karu 2 Pro wood-burning oven has advanced features that allow preparation after only 15 minutes of preheating. Thus, you will be able to cook wood-fired pizza (or ..
3,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,357.14 Lei
In Stock
Gas pizza oven OONI Karu 16 is the Multi-Fuel pizza oven that can be used either with wood and charcoal or with gas, and the transition from one to the other of the variants is very simple, easy and safe. The Ooni Karu 16 pizza oven brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience and incorporat..
4,135.00 Lei 4,595.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,474.79 Lei
In Stock
The OONI Volt 12 electric pizza oven is Ooni's first fully electric pizza oven. The OONI Vot 12 electric pizza oven is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Thus you get maximum flexibility in your home and garden - regardless of weather. The OONI Vot 12 electric pizza oven can be used to produc..
4,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,777.31 Lei
Karu 2 Pro wood, coal or gas oven from OONI Pizza Ovens brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience from the entire range of Ooni ovens. The Karu 2 Pro hybrid oven has advanced features that allow preparation after only 15 minutes of preheating. Thus, you will be able to cook wood-fired piz..
4,595.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,861.34 Lei
In Stock
OONI Koda 2 MAX gas oven, this is the largest Ooni oven to date and makes it possible to bake a 50 cm New York-style pizza or several pizzas at the same time or even prepare an entire menu with several dishes. OONI Koda 2 MAX gas oven can generate two independently controllable cooking zones that ma..
4,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,197.48 Lei
In Stock
Brand: MORSØ Danemarca, since 1853
MORSØ FORNO este un cuptor cu lemne ce poate fi usor transformat intr-un gratar cu lemne. Forma sa interioara este inspirata din cuptoarele de piatra italienesti si ofera destul spatiu pentru prepararea de diverse feluri de mancare. Caldura radianta constanta si uniforma promite un rezultat complet ..
6,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,873.95 Lei
Brand: MORSØ Danemarca, since 1853
MORSØ FORNO cuptor pizza cu lemne, un cuptor de gradina cu blat de lucru ce este compus din cuptorul cu lemne MORSØ FORNO si o masa metalica lunga de 120 cm, cu 4 roti directoare, capabila sa sustina greutatea proprie a cuptorului (96 kg), a accesoriilor utilizate si a lemnelor de foc depozitate in ..
10,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:9,235.29 Lei
Showing 1 to 21 of 21 (1 Pages)