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Green Mountain Grills - GMG

We discovered something we liked, we REALLY liked! It was the preparation of the meal on the grill - the smoker with wood pellets which was much better than the one prepared on the charcoal grill or the gas grill! But the pellet grill, the pellet smoker, which we owned at the time, needed some improvements, so we decided to make our own grill-smokers, pellet smokers. We liked it so much that we ended up creating our own company! Green Mountain Pellet Grills (GMG) are the top smokers on the pellet grill market. GMG Green Mountain Grills models are premium and high-end, they are the best of the best, but they are not the most expensive! We offer only the highest quality, accessories and pellets, so that customers can enjoy the best grill-smoker experience possible without breaking into a bank.

Peletii gratar Green Mountain Grills sunt fabricati din rumegus 100% uscat provenit din paduri de foioase. Rumegusul nu atinge niciodata pamantul si ramane curat pe tot parcursul procesului de fabricatie. Lignina naturala prezenta in toti copacii, in materialul lor lemnos, leaga rumegusul fara niciu..
129.00 Lei
Ex Tax:108.40 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Peletii gratar Green Mountain Grills sunt fabricati din rumegus 100% uscat provenit din paduri de foioase. Rumegusul nu atinge niciodata pamantul si ramane curat pe tot parcursul procesului de fabricatie. Lignina naturala prezenta in toti copacii, in materialul lor lemnos, leaga rumegusul fara niciu..
129.00 Lei
Ex Tax:108.40 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Peletii gratar Green Mountain Grills sunt fabricati din rumegus 100% uscat provenit din paduri de foioase. Rumegusul nu atinge niciodata pamantul si ramane curat pe tot parcursul procesului de fabricatie. Lignina naturala prezenta in toti copacii, in materialul lor lemnos, leaga rumegusul fara niciu..
129.00 Lei
Ex Tax:108.40 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Peletii gratar Green Mountain Grills sunt fabricati din rumegus 100% uscat provenit din paduri de foioase. Rumegusul nu atinge niciodata pamantul si ramane curat pe tot parcursul procesului de fabricatie. Lignina naturala prezenta in toti copacii, in materialul lor lemnos, leaga rumegusul fara niciu..
129.00 Lei
Ex Tax:108.40 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The protective cover for the TREK pellet grill is intended to protect the grill as a whole, but also to protect its components, including the mechanical and electronic systems, from rain, snow, etc. as well as dust, insects and other animals. Thus, the grill cover also has the role of hygienic prote..
395.00 Lei
Ex Tax:331.93 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Husa protectie pentru gratar cu peleti GMG Ledge are rolul de a proteja gratarul in ansamblul lui dar si de a feri componentele sale inclusiv sistemele mecanice si electronice atat de ploaie, zapada s.a. cat si de praf, insecte si alte animale. Astfel husa de gratar are si rolul de protectie igienic..
445.00 Lei
Ex Tax:373.95 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Peletii gratar Green Mountain Grills sunt fabricati din rumegus 100% uscat provenit din paduri de foioase. Rumegusul nu atinge niciodata pamantul si ramane curat pe tot parcursul procesului de fabricatie. Lignina naturala prezenta in toti copacii, in materialul lor lemnos, leaga rumegusul fara niciu..
516.00 Lei
Ex Tax:433.61 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Husa protectie pentru gratar cu peleti GMG Peak are rolul de a proteja gratarul in ansamblul lui dar si de a feri componentele sale inclusiv sistemele mecanice si electronice atat de ploaie, zapada s.a. cat si de praf, insecte si alte animale. Astfel husa de gratar are si rolul de protectie igienica..
545.00 Lei
Ex Tax:457.98 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Transformati gratarul cu peleti GMG Ledge intr-un rotisor cu coacere si afumare in aroma de lemne. Puteti coace lent si afuma pui intregi, spata de porc, coapse, coaste și multe altele. Construit pentru a rezista elementelor exterioare, cum ar fi intemperii, motorul cu actionare electrica (inchis in..
595.00 Lei
Ex Tax:500.00 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Transformati gratarul cu peleti GMG Peak intr-un rotisor cu coacere si afumare in aroma de lemne. Puteti coace lent si afuma pui intregi, spata de porc, coapse, coaste și multe altele. Construit pentru a rezista elementelor exterioare, cum ar fi intemperii, motorul cu actionare electrica (inchis int..
645.00 Lei
Ex Tax:542.02 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Pizza oven for TREK pellet grill is the device that transforms the TREK pellet grill into a gourmet pizza oven with the aroma of wood fire. The cutpr pizza device is fixed over the pellet burning chamber, captures and distributes the heat directly upwards towards the steel baking chamber and towards..
650.00 Lei
Ex Tax:546.22 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Transformati-va gratarul cu peleti GMG intr-un cuptor de pizza gourmet cu aroma focului de lemne. Accesoriul cuptor pizza capteaza si canalizeaza caldura de la camera de ardere a peletilor (Firebox) direct in sus spre camera de copt din otel care inveleste piatra de pizza. Acest proces ridica temper..
1,150.00 Lei
Ex Tax:966.39 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The GMG Green Mountain Grills SideBURN Infrared Grill Station is the ultimate accessory for the new Prime 2.0 generation Ledge and Peak grills (with rear flue) and is designed to easily slide in place of the standard side table. The SideBURN infrared grill features powerful infrared electric technol..
1,745.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,466.39 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Mobile Trek pellet stand from GMG, Green Mountain Grills is a sturdy metal trolley-type construction, stable, mobile, compact in size, easy to handle and very practical, transforming the portable Trek pellet grill into a terrace or balcony grill so that the use this one is much more relaxed. Mobile..
1,745.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,466.39 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Portable pellet grill TREK Prime 2.0 from GMG (Green Mountain Grills) is more than a portable grill and has several improvements compared to the previous version such as: incorporating the voltage transformer under the pellet tank for better rain protection of the electrical connections; imp..
3,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,936.97 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Pellet smoker GMG Daniel BOONE Pellet smoker GMG Daniel BOONE
Outlet -15 %
Afumatoare cu peleti GMG Daniel Boone tip barbecue smoker este parte din gama Green Mountain Grills de peste 11 ani si putem spune ca a trecut cu brio testul timpului. Afumatoare cu peleti a fost permanent perfectionata si imbunatatita in mod constant, astfel incat sa puteti detine o afumatoare cu p..
4,245.00 Lei 4,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,567.23 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The TREK Prime 2.0 pellet grill with stand from GMG (Green Mountain Grills) is the ideal grill for those who want to enjoy a compact wood-flavored pellet grill for outdoor adventures such as fishing or hunting parties, or a walk with the motorhome as well as on the terrace at home. The Trek pellet g..
5,240.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,403.36 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
GMG Ledge Prime PLUS stainless steel pellet smoking grill GMG Ledge Prime PLUS stainless steel pellet smoking grill
Outlet -20 %
Gratar afumatoare cu peleti GMG Ledge Prime PLUS INOX vine cu dotarile seriei anterioare PLUS o etajera frontala rabatabila, lumina in interiorul gratarului, montare cu rotisor, grilaj de gatit cu bare mai groase si capac din inox cu geam de vizitare. Modelele Ledge Prime PLUS sunt construite si mai..
5,595.00 Lei 6,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,701.68 Lei
Availability: In Stock
GMG PEAK Prime Stainless Steel PLUS pellet smoking grill GMG PEAK Prime Stainless Steel PLUS pellet smoking grill
Outlet -20 %
Gratar Smoker cu peleti GMG PEAK Prime PLUS INOX vine cu un controler digital care va permite sa controlati si sa monitorizati gratarul prin intermediul aplicatiei noastre mobile iOS sau Android, doua sonde de temperatura pentru carne si un port USB. Cu noile ferestre incoporporate in capacul gratar..
6,795.00 Lei 8,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,710.08 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The Ledge Prime 2.0 pellet grill from GMG Green Mountain Grills is an American BBQ-style smoker grill that offers the highest quality wood-burning smoke due to burning pellets, generating consistent heat and unparalleled temperature control. Pellet grill Ledge Prime 2.0 has a new design of the cooki..
7,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,298.32 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The Peak Prime 2.0 pellet grill from GMG Green Mountain Grills is the largest pellet grill model (pellet smoker, American BBQ Style) from the Prime 2.0 series and has an area of ​​approx. 94 x 42 cm. The Peak Prime 2.0 pellet grill has a new design of the cooking enclosure with rounded shapes a..
8,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,558.82 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Showing 1 to 21 of 21 (1 Pages)