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We present you new grills and barbecue accessories for 2022, new gas grills, new charcoal grills, new electric grills, cast iron pots, cast iron pans, cast iron grills and hobs, clothes and lighting lamps, news in outdoor, camping and lifestyle.

Fire place Tyropit Petromax in industrial design turns your terrace into a point of attraction, giving it a special charm. The specially designed construction with stainless steel double walls and permanent draft holes offers effective functionality and implicitly relaxing hours in the open air, und..
1,895.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,592.44 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The Bradley Smoker kitchen trolley is the perfect place to place a Bradley smoker or it can be the helper for cooking, preparation or serving. This kitchen cart is compatible with the entire line of Bradley Smokers, including the Bradley P10 model. The Bradley Smoker kitchen trolley is equipped with..
1,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,676.47 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar portabil cu carbuni MasterBuilt ofera gustul de neegalat al carbunelui cu usurinta utilizarii unui gratar cu gaz pentru drumetii. Cu gratarul portabil cu carbuni MasterBuilt efortul de a aprinde carbunii si de a controla temperatura jarului sunt de domeniul trecutului. Gratarul portabil cu ca..
1,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,676.47 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Special Offer Gas pizza oven Koda 12 Special Offer Gas pizza oven Koda 12
-19 %
Pachet Promo Cuptor pizza cu gaz Koda 12 vu husa tip geanta de transport, boluri depozitare ingrediente si racleta aluat pizza OONI. Cuptor de pizza cu gaz Ooni Koda 12 este minunat pentru ca timpul tau este pretios, asa ca fa-l sa conteze. Ooni Koda 12 coace pizza uluitoare in 60 de secunde. Super..
1,995.00 Lei 2,470.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,676.47 Lei
Availability: In Stock
HORL 3 PRO knife sharpener is the top of the range of HORL knife sharpeners and, as the name says, it is dedicated to professionals but also to those who are passionate about knives having knife collections or a varied range of knives with various blades, with various cutting angles which requires s..
1,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,676.47 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Wood and charcoal oven Karu 2 OONI is the newest and most advanced portable pizza oven that can bake a 33 cm pizza like a brick oven in 60 seconds. The Ooni Karu 2 pizza oven can work both with wood (13 cm long hearth) and with coal or charcoal briquettes. The firebox for wood or coal maximizes the ..
2,145.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,802.52 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar electric Lumin Comapct 1000 de la Weber Grills este varianta compacta, de dimensiuni reduse a gratarului electric Lumin 2000 dar care dispune ca si fratele sau mai mare de aceleasi caracteristici generale: putere si versatilitate. Si gratarul electric Lumin Compact 1000 atinge temperaturi de ..
2,225.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,869.75 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The traditional charcoal grill from Char-Griller is the ideal garden grill for those who want to grill on weekend for the family, but at the same time want to discover and test the new dimensions of cooking on a grill with a lid. The Char-Griller Traditional charcoal grill is made of durable steel w..
2,250.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,890.76 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Cu acest gratar carbuni Weber Master-Touch Premium Crafted 67 cm descoperiți o nouă dimensiune a grătarului cu cărbune Master-Touch echipat cu grătarul exclusivist WEBER CRAFTED. Acest grătar inovator vă permite să revoluționați obiceiurile la grătar și să vă transformați fără efort grătarul &i..
2,279.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,915.13 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gas grill Pit Boss Sportsman 3 SPECIAL OFFER Gas grill Pit Boss Sportsman 3 SPECIAL OFFER
-29 %
Gratar gaz Pit Boss Sportsman 3 PACHET PROMO este un pachet promotional compus din gratarul cu gaz Sportsman 3, accesorii de gatit cum ar fi plita de fonta, etajera de mentinere la cald, suport pentru gatit la tigaie si husa de protectie. Astfel gratar gaz Pit Boss Sportsman 3 devine o mica bucatari..
2,299.00 Lei 3,255.00 Lei
Ex Tax:1,931.93 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar electric Lumin Compact cu stativ de la Weber Grills este varianta compacta, de dimensiuni reduse a gratarului electric Lumin 2000 ce dispune de un stativ pliabil si are aceleasi caracteristici generale precum varianta Lumin 2000: putere si versatilitate. Gratarul electric Lumin Compact cu sta..
2,459.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,066.39 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Akorn Char-Griller with cover and heat deflector Akorn Char-Griller with cover and heat deflector
New -17 %
Akorn Kamado Char-Griller charcoal grill special offer wit cover and heat deflector included. A versatile and efficient charcoal grill that can be used both for the preparation of traditional dishes by grilling such as sausages, sliced ​​steaks, burgers, etc. but it can also be used as a smoker, hot..
2,495.00 Lei 2,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,096.64 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar cu carbuni Masterbuilt Autolgnite 545 este un gratar ingenios cu carbune ce ofera aroma reala de carbune in combinatie cu tehnologie inovatoare. Tehnologia unica a gratarului inteligent cu carbuni Masterbuilt Autoignite 545 permite arderea complet controlata digital a carbunelui sau a brichet..
2,590.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,176.47 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Made entirely of stainless steel, this outdoor fireplace Pyron from Petromax has the shape of a burning barrel, with double walls. The special design together with the refined draft system gives this fireplace an extreme efficiency and almost no smoke in the ignition and combustion process. All this..
2,644.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,221.85 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Wood, charcoal or gas oven Karu 2 OONI is the newest and most advanced portable pizza oven that can bake a 33 cm pizza like a brick oven in 60 seconds. The Ooni Karu 2 hybrid pizza oven can work both with wood (13 cm long hearth) and with coal or charcoal briquettes but also with gas. The firebox fo..
2,645.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,222.69 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Fire Bridge with fire trough, dutch oven and percolator Petromax Fire Bridge with fire trough, dutch oven and percolator Petromax
-14 %
Cu acest suport de gatit deasupra focului deschis obtineti o adevarata bucatarie exterioara in gradina, in camping sau chiar la picnic. Multiplele posibilitati de a gati la ceaun, a fierbe sau a coace desupra focului oferite de cele 3 carlige de agatare dar si posibilitatea de a frige diferite bucat..
2,690.00 Lei 3,119.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,260.50 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar electric Lumin 2000 de la Weber Grills este un gratar cu putere mare, cu suprafata de gatit generoasa dar si versatil si pregatit pentru noi experiente de gatit in aer liber in mediul urban. Gratar electric Lumin 2000 este un gratar multifunctional ce atinge temperaturi de pana la 315 °C si e..
2,920.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,453.78 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
The Weber Spirit E-325 gas grill has a generous cooking surface (50 x 45 cm) compatible with the GBS (Gourmet BBQ System) and Crafted systems, a cooking surface made of cast iron grates heated by 3 stainless steel main burners, of which 2 burners are equipped with the Boost Burner system. Compared t..
2,945.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,474.79 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Kamado Joe Junior grill promo pack Kamado Joe Junior grill promo pack
New -5 %
Promo Gratar Joe Junior pachet Kamado Joe cu sac carbuni la oferta speciala. Gratar carbuni Kamado Joe Jr. este cel mai portabil gratar ceramic cu carbune de la Kamado Joe. Kamado Joe Jr. ofera cu un diametru de 34 cm spatiu de gatit suficient pentru o cina in familie. Gratar carbuni Kamado Joe Jr...
2,990.00 Lei 3,139.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,512.61 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Pellet smoker Pit Boss Navigator 550 SPECIAL OFFER Pellet smoker Pit Boss Navigator 550 SPECIAL OFFER
New -13 %
Gratarul peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 550 cu husa de protectie inclusa este un gratar si smoker de dimensiuni compacte ce ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare. Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Navigator 850 lucreaza intr-o..
2,995.00 Lei 3,440.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,516.81 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar portabil cu peleti Traeger Ranger va aduce aroma reala a focului de lemn oriunde va duce aventura in aer liber. Cu controlerul digital Traeger (Digital Arc Controler), Ranger va permite un control precis al temperaturii sustinut de o functie suplimentara de mentinere la cald, astfel incat pre..
2,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,520.17 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Fire place Tyropit with plancha Petromax in industrial design turns your terrace into a point of attraction, giving it a special charm. The specially designed construction with stainless steel double walls and permanent draft holes offers effective functionality and implicitly relaxing hours in the ..
3,040.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,554.62 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar electric Lumin 2000 de la Weber Grills este un gratar cu putere mare, cu suprafata de gatit generoasa dar si versatil si pregatit pentru noi experiente de gatit in aer liber in mediul urban. Gratar electric Lumin 2000 este un gratar multifunctional ce atinge temperaturi de pana la 315 °C si e..
3,155.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,651.26 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar electric Lumin cu stativ de la Weber Grills este un gratar cu putere mare, cu suprafata de gatit generoasa dar si versatil si pregatit pentru noi experiente de gatit in aer liber in mediul urban. Gratar electric Lumin cu stativ este un gratar multifunctional ce atinge temperaturi de pana la 3..
3,389.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,847.90 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
The Weber Spirit E-335 gas grill has a generous cooking surface (50 x 45 cm) compatible with the GBS (Gourmet BBQ System) and Crafted systems, a cooking surface made of cast iron grates heated by 3 stainless steel main burners, of which 2 burners are equipped with the Boost Burner system. The Spirit..
3,419.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,873.11 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Weber Spirit E-425 gas grill has a large cooking surface (61 x 45 cm) compatible with the GBS (Gourmet BBQ System) and Crafted systems; cooking surface made of cast iron grates heated by 4 stainless steel main burners, of which 2 burners are equipped with the Boost Burner system. Compared to the mod..
3,419.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,873.11 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Brand: WEBER Grills
Weber Spirit EP-325 gas grill has a generous cooking surface (50 x 45 cm) compatible with the GBS (Gourmet BBQ System) and Crafted systems; cooking surface made of cast iron grates heated by 3 stainless steel main burners, of which 2 burners are equipped with the Boost Burner system. Compared to the..
3,419.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,873.11 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Griddle grill Pit Boss with 3 gas burners Griddle grill Pit Boss with 3 gas burners
-17 %
Gratar Plita Pit Boss 3 arzatoare gaz ce imbina perfect puterea, portabilitatea si eficienta intr-un gratar cu plita tip plancha cu design modern, compact si versatil. Gratar plita Pit Boss 3 arzatoare gaz ofera o experienta de gatit in aer liber unica, Bigger, Hotter, Heavier® (mai mare, mai fierbi..
3,495.00 Lei 4,190.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,936.97 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Portable pellet grill TREK Prime 2.0 from GMG (Green Mountain Grills) is more than a portable grill and has several improvements compared to the previous version such as: incorporating the voltage transformer under the pellet tank for better rain protection of the electrical connections; imp..
3,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,936.97 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 22 faciliteaza prepararea lejera a diverselor alimente completata de obtinerea unei arome incredibile de foc de lemne. Gratarele cu peleti Traeger sunt foarte usor de folosit si controlat ceea ce va permite sa va concentrati pe ceea ce este cu adevărat important: meniu..
3,499.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,940.34 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Napoleon Freestyle 365 gas grill has all the quality offered by Napoleon brand. With a very good performance and a top price-performance ratio, the Napoleon Freestyle 365 gas grill generates new happy masters in grilling. The Freestyle 365 gas grill with Napoleon infrared burner is ideal for anyone ..
3,669.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,083.19 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Brand: WEBER Grills
Weber Spirit EP-425 gas grill has a large cooking surface (61 x 45 cm) equipped with the GBS (Gourmet BBQ System) and Crafted systems; cooking surface made of cast iron grates heated by 4 stainless steel main burners, of which 2 burners are equipped with the Boost Burner system. Compared to the mode..
3,899.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,276.47 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Charcoal smoker grill Masterbuilt Gravity 600 ingeniously combines the characteristics of a charcoal grill with a smoker, American Barbecue style smoker. The Masterbuilt Gravity 600 smoker charcoal grill works with both charcoal and briquettes and can offer working temperatures between 80 C and 370 ..
3,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,357.14 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Karu 2 Pro wood oven from OONI Pizza Ovens brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience from the entire range of Ooni ovens. The Karu 2 Pro wood-burning oven has advanced features that allow preparation after only 15 minutes of preheating. Thus, you will be able to cook wood-fired pizza (or ..
3,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,357.14 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Mmasterbuilt Charcoal Smoker Gravity 600 promo pack Mmasterbuilt Charcoal Smoker Gravity 600 promo pack
New -8 %
Promo Gratar smoker Gravity 600 pachet Masterbuilt cu husa si sac carbuni Masterbuilt la oferta speciala. Gratar carbuni smoker Masterbuilt Gravity 600 imbina ingenios caracteristicile unui gratar cu carbuni cu un smoker, afumatoare stil American Barbecue. Gratar carbuni smoker Masterbuilt Gravity ..
4,120.00 Lei 4,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,462.18 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
The Weber Spirit EP-435 gas grill has a large cooking surface (61 x 45 cm) compatible with the GBS (Gourmet BBQ System) and Crafted systems; a cooking surface made of cast iron grates heated by 4 main stainless steel burners, 2 of which are equipped with the Boost Burner system. The Spirit E-435 gri..
4,369.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,671.43 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Showing 73 to 108 of 164 (5 Pages)