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We present you new grills and barbecue accessories for 2022, new gas grills, new charcoal grills, new electric grills, cast iron pots, cast iron pans, cast iron grills and hobs, clothes and lighting lamps, news in outdoor, camping and lifestyle.

The HEAT X stainless steel sink module is a freestanding module part of the innovative HEAT outdoor kitchen system from OUTDOORCHEF that features a large stainless steel bowl large enough to fit the Plancha XL (dimensions 62 x 38 cm) and a cabinet with 2 soft-close hinged doors. HEAT X OUTDOORCHE..
8,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,138.66 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
The new Rogue 525 PRO-S series from Napoleon offers the quality and features of the special edition and this black gas grill model ROGUE 525 PRO-S features, in addition to the infrared grilling station and infrared rotisserie system which together with the higher lid make this model a champion of ro..
8,579.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,209.24 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
The HEAT outdoor refrigerator module is a freestanding module, part of the innovative HEAT outdoor kitchen system from OUTDOORCHEF, which features a CASO refrigerator with a usable volume of 63 liters and a separate storage space on the side of the refrigerator. HEAT X OUTDOORCHEF outdoor refrige..
8,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,558.82 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
The HEAT X-515-RB gas kitchen grill module from Outdoorchef is the basic element of the HEAT Outdoor Kitchen developed by OUTDOORCHEF based on the Heat X-545 grill. The HEAT X-515-RB kitchen gas grill module represents a new era of outdoor cooking based on gas grills from the pemium range. The HE..
8,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,558.82 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar cu peleti Traeger Ironwood 650 ofera o serie de functii suplimentare de gatit fata de gama Pro Series acestea fiind completate de izolatia dubla a peretilor laterali ce asigura o distributie uniforma a caldurii pentru rezultate si mai consistente cu mai multa eficienta energetica. Cu functia ..
8,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,562.18 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The new Rogue 525 PRO-S series from Napoleon offers the quality and features of the special edition and this stainless steel gas grill model ROGUE 525 PRO-S features, in addition to the infrared grilling station and infrared rotisserie system which together with the higher lid make this model a cham..
9,095.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,642.86 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
The HEAT X-545 RB gas grill from Outdoorchef represents a new era of premium gas grills. Equipped with all the cooking functions necessary for maximum culinary fun at the grill, the HEAT X-545 RB is the large model in the HEAT line. It has 5 main burners covering a large cooking surface (approx. 100..
9,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,978.99 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The Competition 1600 TITAN pellet grill is the top of the range of the Competition Series grills and smokers from Pit Boss. The Competition 1600 TITAN pellet grill is differentiated from the other models in the Competition series by the stainless steel cooking grids in the form of sliding shelves, t..
9,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:8,399.16 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Pit Boss Competition 1600 TITAN pellet grill SPECIAL OFFER Pit Boss Competition 1600 TITAN pellet grill SPECIAL OFFER
New -8 %
The Competition 1600 TITAN pellet grill is the top of the range of the Competition Series grills and smokers from Pit Boss and benefits from the free of charge cast iron cookware set from Pit Boss. The Competition 1600 TITAN pellet grill is differentiated from the other models in the Competitio..
9,995.00 Lei 10,890.00 Lei
Ex Tax:8,399.16 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar cu peleti Traeger Ironwood 885 ofera o serie de functii suplimentare de gatit fata de gama Pro Series acestea fiind completate de izolatia dubla a peretilor laterali ce asigura o distributie uniforma a caldurii pentru rezultate si mai consistente cu mai multa eficienta energetica. Cu functia ..
9,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:8,402.52 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Kamado Joe Big Joe II promo pack Kamado Joe Big Joe II promo pack
New -10 %
Promo Gratar Big Joe II pachet Kamado Joe cu husa si sac carbuni la oferta speciala Kamado Joe. Gratar ceramic carbuni Kamado Joe Big Joe II este modelul de gratar cu diametrul de 61 cm. Pe langa suprafata sa foarte mare, gratarul ceramic cu carbuni Kamado Joe Big Joe II ofera dotarea cu echipament..
10,250.00 Lei 11,398.00 Lei
Ex Tax:8,613.45 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar carbuni Kamado Joe CONNECTED Joe aduce o noua era a gatitului in gratar ceramic cu carbuni. Grartarul ceramic Connected Joe faciliteaza aprinderea focului. Pur si simplu apasati butonul Automatic Firestarter (AFS™) pentru a va aprinde carbunele, setati temperatura dorita de gatit cu Digital K..
10,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:9,242.86 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Kamado Joe Classic III promo pack Kamado Joe Classic III promo pack
New -8 %
Promo Gratar Classic Joe III pachet Kamado Joe cu husa si sac carbuni la oferta speciala. Kamado Joe a dezvoltat modelul de gratar ceramic Kamado Joe Classic II cu diametru interior 46 cm completandu-l cu accesorii si inovatii astfel ridicand prepararea in gratare ceramice la un nivel superior, nem..
11,495.00 Lei 12,543.00 Lei
Ex Tax:9,659.66 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar cu peleti Traeger Timberline 850 este un model de top ce cuprinde caracteristicile liniei Ironwood 650 / 885 completate de diverse imbunatatiri cum ar fi constructia (cuva, capac, pereti laterali) intregii incinte de gatit cu pereti dubli ce ofera o izolatie termica performanta cu efect asupr..
11,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:10,083.19 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Brand: BBQ Kitchen
Modulul cu frigider bucatarie exterioara BBQ Kitchen cuprinde atat frigiderul cat si dulapul aferent cu blatul de lucru potrivit. Frigiderul utilizeaza tehnologie cu compresor si impreuna cu usa cu 3 straturi de sticla asigura o temperatura de 0° – 10° C la un mediu ambiant intre 16° – 38° C. Frigid..
13,365.00 Lei
Ex Tax:11,231.09 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar cu peleti Traeger Timberline 1300 este un model de top cu cea mai mare suprafata de gatit ce cuprinde caracteristicile liniei Ironwood 650 / 885 completate de diverse imbunatatiri cum ar fi constructia (cuva, capac, pereti laterali) intregii incinte de gatit cu pereti dubli ce ofera o izolati..
14,499.00 Lei
Ex Tax:12,184.03 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar gaz Lugano 570 G Evo II este probabil cea mai compacta bucatarie exterioara din lume ce dispune de sisteme de gatit ultraperformante, variate si toate inglobate intr-o linie de design moderna ce va capta toate privirile. Gratar gaz Lugano 570 G Evo II dispune de binecunoscutul sistem de grata..
14,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:12,600.84 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The stunning Phantom Prestige 500 Connected Gas Grill, in matte black stainless steel, with Sizzle Zone side burner and infrared rotisserie burner, takes your grilling experience to the next level and offers Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. The cast stainless steel grates are maintenance-free and p..
14,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:12,604.20 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Timberline Traeger Pellet Smoker Grill brings you the latest Traeger Grills technology that sets new standards when it comes to performance and versatility when cooking with a pellet grill and smoker. The Traeger Timberline pellet smoker grill has the recently developed Smart Combustion™ technology ..
19,599.00 Lei
Ex Tax:16,469.75 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: BBQ Kitchen
Bucatarie exterioara Medium BBQ Kitchen pentru gratar cu gaz Weber Genesis 300 (cu 3 arzatoare principale) si lungime 2,79 m este o configuratie ce ofera spatiu de depozitare mult si variat precum si suprafata de lucru in ambele parti ale gratarului. Configuratia Medium BBQ Kitchen dispune de urmato..
20,815.00 Lei
Ex Tax:17,491.60 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Showing 145 to 164 of 164 (5 Pages)