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Types of Smokers

Types of Smokers

Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 575 ofera preparatelor temperatura necesara de coacere invaluita in aroma fumului specifica focului de lemne. Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 575 este echipat cu tehnologia WiFIRE®, functia Set-It & Forget-It® si Controler D2® cu TurboTemp ce ofera un control usor si pr..
4,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,200.84 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Masterbuilt Gravity 800 charcoal promo pack Masterbuilt Gravity 800 charcoal promo pack
New -7 %
Promo Gratar smoker Gravity 800 pachet Masterbuilt cu husa si sac carbuni la oferta speciala Masterbuilt. Gratar Carbuni cu plita Masterbuilt Gravity 800 are in plus fata de celelalte modele din seria Gravity un echipament ce concentreaza si directioneaza caldura in sus spre plita (tip plancha) car..
5,120.00 Lei 5,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,302.52 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Promo Gratar Classic Joe I pachet Kamado Joe cu husa si sac de carbuni Kamado Joe la oferta speciala. Gratar Kamado Joe Classic Joe I carbuni este gratarul ceramic cu carbuni care sta la baza renumelui Kamado Joe ca marca premium producatoare de gratare ceramice tip Kamado iar modelul insusi este r..
5,139.00 Lei 5,538.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,318.49 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar COMBO grill gaz smoker peleti Pit Boss Navigator combina placerea aromei de lemn provenita de la arderea peletilor si confortul oferit de un gratar pe gaz in doua unitati de gratar distincte. Cu constructia robusta din otel de inalta calitate, cu tehnologia avansata de ardere a peletilor (dir..
5,269.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,427.73 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Navigator 1150 ofera aroma reala de lemn folosind tehnologia avansata a arderii peletilor alimentari de esenta tare intr-o constructie robusta ce confera noi experiente culinare. Gratar afumatoare peleti Pit Boss Navigator 1150 lucreaza intr-o plaja larga de te..
5,269.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,427.73 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Digital Smoker Charcoal Grill Masterbuilt Gravity 1050 can be used as a grill but also as a smoker (smoker type) that works on charcoal or charcoal briquettes offering the real aroma of wood with the help of control provided by innovative, contemporary technologies. This Masterbuilt Gravity 1050 Dig..
5,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,617.65 Lei
Availability: In Stock
GMG Ledge Prime PLUS stainless steel pellet smoking grill GMG Ledge Prime PLUS stainless steel pellet smoking grill
Outlet -20 %
Gratar afumatoare cu peleti GMG Ledge Prime PLUS INOX vine cu dotarile seriei anterioare PLUS o etajera frontala rabatabila, lumina in interiorul gratarului, montare cu rotisor, grilaj de gatit cu bare mai groase si capac din inox cu geam de vizitare. Modelele Ledge Prime PLUS sunt construite si mai..
5,595.00 Lei 6,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,701.68 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Masterbuilt Gravity 1050 smoker promo pack Masterbuilt Gravity 1050 smoker promo pack
New -7 %
Promo Gratar smoker Gravity 1050 pachet Masterbuilt cu husa si sac carbuni Masterbuilt la oferta speciala. Gratar Carbuni Afumatoare Digitala Masterbuilt Gravity 1050 poate fi folosit ca un gratar dar si ca o afumatoare (tip smoker) ce functioneaza pe carbuni sau brichete de carbuni oferind aroma r..
5,620.00 Lei 6,019.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,722.69 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Acest model de afumatoare Bradley Professional P10 1000W este perfect pentru bucatarii profesionisti sau pentru persoanele care doresc sa stapaneasca afumatul cald al alimentelor intr-o afumatoare Bradley performanta, moderna si de capacitate mare. Fara supraveghere atenta, fara probleme, fara verif..
5,690.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,781.51 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Here there are the 5 News about the NEW Primo Kamado: 1. TOP AIR CONTROL – The new 6 position aluminium damper top allows for more precise temperature control. It also features a hood for all-weather grilling. 2. LOWER AIR CONTROL – The new 5 position lower air control slider allows you to adjust th..
5,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,033.61 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Pro Series 1150 foloseste tehnologia avansata a arderii controlate a peletilor alimentari din lemn de esenta tare. Gratarul Pit Boss Pro Series 1150 genereaza temperaturi intre 82° la 260°C – astfel incat sa puteti pregati preparate de la coacere lenta (slow cooking..
5,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,037.82 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar ceramic cu carbune – Primo Oval Junior – seria 200 este un gratar incorporabil pentru gradina, curte, in foisor sau pe terasa. Alternativa eleganta pentru gratarele de gradina zidite, acest model de gratar incorporabil ceramic este usor de intretinut si curatat, produce indiscutab..
5,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,041.18 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
The Competition 1250 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction, a very wide working temperature range (62°C – 537°C) and a digital control system that allows precise and convenient temperature adjustment, control that can be e..
6,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,457.98 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Pit Boss Competition 1250 pellet grill SPECIAL OFFER Pit Boss Competition 1250 pellet grill SPECIAL OFFER
New -12 %
The Competition 1250 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction and benefits from the free of charge cast iron cookware set from Pit Boss, a very wide working temperature range (62°C – 537°C) and a digital control system t..
6,495.00 Lei 7,390.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,457.98 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar Smoker Weber Summit Kamado E6 reprezinta varful de gama al gratarelor cu carbuni Weber dar in acelasi timp stabileste noi standarde si aduce functii si detalli care nu au mai existat in aceasta forma. Weber Summit Kamado E6 poate fi un gratar clasic cu o suprafata foarte mare dar in acelasi t..
6,649.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,587.39 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Here there are the 5 News about the NEW Primo Kamado All-in-One: 1. TOP AIR CONTROL – The new 6 position aluminium damper top allows for more precise temperature control. It also features a hood for all-weather grilling. 2. LOWER AIR CONTROL – The new 5 position lower air control slider allows you t..
6,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,873.95 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Memphis 2.0 Pit Boss hybrid grill 3 in 1 charcoal gas electric smoker is the first hybrid grill with 3 grill options incorporated in one: gas grill, charcoal grill and electric smoker with a slightly larger total cooking surface of 12,503 cm² compared to the previous version Memphis 1.0. Compared to..
6,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,878.15 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Hybrid grill charcoal gas electrical smoker Pit Boss Memphis ULTIMATE 2.0 special offer Hybrid grill charcoal gas electrical smoker Pit Boss Memphis ULTIMATE 2.0 special offer
-11 %
Memphis 2.0 Pit Boss hybrid grill 3 in 1 charcoal gas electric smoker is the first hybrid grill with 3 grill options incorporated in one: gas grill, charcoal grill and electric smoker with a slightly larger total cooking surface of 12,503 cm² compared to the previous version Memphis 1.0., at th..
6,995.00 Lei 7,890.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,878.15 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Kamado Joe Classic Joe II Charcoal Grill Kamado Joe Classic Joe II Charcoal Grill
-15 %
Gratar carbuni Kamado Joe Classic Joe II este cel mai popular gratar ceramic cu carbune de la Kamado Joe, perfect pentru o partida clasica la gratar sau ca smoker si afumatoare de curte. Acest gratar din ceramica stabileste un nou standard inalt pentru maiestrie si performanta gatitului datorita car..
6,999.00 Lei 8,250.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,881.51 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 780 ofera preparatelor temperatura necesara de coacere invaluita in aroma fumului specifica focului de lemne. Gratarul cu peleti Traeger Pro 780 este echipat cu tehnologia WiFIRE®, functia Set-It & Forget-It® si Controler D2® cu TurboTemp ce ofera un control usor si pr..
6,999.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,881.51 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The Ledge Prime 2.0 pellet grill from GMG Green Mountain Grills is an American BBQ-style smoker grill that offers the highest quality wood-burning smoke due to burning pellets, generating consistent heat and unparalleled temperature control. Pellet grill Ledge Prime 2.0 has a new design of the cooki..
7,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,298.32 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar ceramic carbuni Kamado Joe Classic II este unul dintre gratarele ceramice cele mai indragite fiind atat un gratar pe carbuni cat si un smoker deosebit. Este perfect pentru oricine e la inceput de drum in lumea Barbecue cu un gratar ceramic, dar si pentru orice pasionat. Kamado Joe Classic II ..
7,650.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,428.57 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar incorporabil ceramic, cu carbune – Primo Oval Large – seria 300 este un gratar de gradina ce poate fi pozitionat pe orice blat sau incorporat in structura de piatra sau zidita. Capacul etans si forma ovala ofera nenumarate posibilitati de a gati la gratar sanatos, fara fum in exces. Indiferen..
7,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,714.29 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Big Joe ceramic charcoal grill I from Kamado Joe is the basic model in the Big Joe charcoal ceramic grill line with the largest cooking surface, with a diameter of 61 cm. Big Joe I charcoal ceramic grill from Kamado Joe presents the main characteristics of the Kamado Joe brand such as: the quality o..
7,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar pe carbuni smartgrill Masterbuilt Gravity Series XT poate fi folosit ca un gratar, dar si ca un smoker (barbecue american style) ce functioneaza pe carbuni sau brichete de carbuni oferind aroma reala a lemnului cu ajutorul controlului temperaturii prin intermediul tehnologiilor inovatoare de ..
7,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The Competition 1600 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction, a very wide working temperature range (62 °C – 537 °C) and a digital control system that allows precise and convenient temperature adjustment, control that can be..
7,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Pit Boss Competition 1600 pellet grill SPECIAL OFFER Pit Boss Competition 1600 pellet grill SPECIAL OFFER
New -10 %
The Competition 1600 pellet grill from the Competition Series from Pit Boss is characterized by a solid steel construction and benefits from the free of charge cast iron cookware set from Pit Boss, a very wide working temperature range (62 °C – 537 °C) and a digital control system..
7,995.00 Lei 8,890.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,718.49 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Cu un gratar cu peleti Weber SmokeFire poti frige steak-uri sau fripturi de vita, poti afuma coaste si gati low and slow dar si coace paine sau pizza. Acest gratar cu peleti Weber SmokeFire EX4 GBS asigura aroma optima generata de un foc cu peleti din rumegus de lemn pentru toate preparatele pregati..
7,998.99 Lei
Ex Tax:6,721.84 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Masterbuilt smartgrill Gravity Series XT promo pack Masterbuilt smartgrill Gravity Series XT promo pack
New -5 %
Promo Gratar smartgrill Gravity Series XT pachet Masterbuilt cu husa si sac carbuni Masterbuilt la oferta speciala. Gratar pe carbuni smartgrill Masterbuilt Gravity Series XT poate fi folosit ca un gratar, dar si ca un smoker (barbecue american style) ce functioneaza pe carbuni sau brichete de carb..
8,120.00 Lei 8,519.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,823.53 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Promo Gratar Classic Joe II pachet Kamado Joe cu husa si sac carbuni la oferta speciala Kamado Joe. Gratar carbuni Kamado Joe Classic Joe II este cel mai popular gratar ceramic cu carbune de la Kamado Joe, perfect pentru o partida clasica la gratar sau ca smoker si afumatoare de curte. Acest gratar..
8,250.00 Lei 8,798.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,932.77 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar ceramic performant, Primo Oval Junior, in suport mobil cu roti si dotat cu mese laterale, este varianta economica dar si flexibila din punct de vedere al spatiului pe care il ocupa in gradina sau pe terasa. Dotat cu roti blocabile, gratarul ceramic Primo Jr. este usor manevrabil iar faptul ca..
8,280.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,957.98 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Grill-ul ceramic Primo Oval Jr. impresioneaza inca de la prima utilizare cand gatim la gratar direct dar si indirect, prin frigere, coacere sau afumare. Functioneaza ca un barbecue premium dar si ca un gratar de calitate desavarsita in orice anotimp. Forma ovala unica este patentata de producatorul ..
8,490.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,134.45 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar peleti afumatoare Pit Boss Pro 1600 WiFi este modelul de varf al gamei de gratare & afumatoare cu peleti Pit Boss. Si acest gratar afumatoare Pit Boss foloseste tehnologia avansata a arderii controlate a peletilor alimentari din lemn de esenta tare ce genereaza temperaturi intre 82° la 260°C ..
8,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,138.66 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Noul Gratar ceramic Kamado Primo All-in-One Made in USA, versiunea noua de gratar ceramic rotund, este dotat cu kit-ul control pentru reglarea temperaturii Flame Boss 400 WIFI plus husa protectoare Primo Kamado, in editie limitata, aniversara, - 15 Ani de BBQ & More. Pentru a oferi o..
8,780.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,378.15 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar cu peleti Weber SmokeFire EX6 GBS ce functioneaza cu peleti alimentari din rumegus presat si fara aditivi, acest model este un adevarat gratar 3 in 1, oferind optiuni diferite de preparare de la temperaturi joase pentru Low & Slow Cooking si Smoking pana la temperaturi inalte de frigere p..
8,969.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,536.97 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The Peak Prime 2.0 pellet grill from GMG Green Mountain Grills is the largest pellet grill model (pellet smoker, American BBQ Style) from the Prime 2.0 series and has an area of ​​approx. 94 x 42 cm. The Peak Prime 2.0 pellet grill has a new design of the cooking enclosure with rounded shapes a..
8,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,558.82 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Showing 37 to 72 of 103 (3 Pages)