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Balcony Grills

Balcony grill and electric or gas terrace barbecues

Balcony grills without useless smoke and unpleasant ignition of fat.

Balcony gas grills or electric terrace barbecues are ideal for economic spaces, those gas grill for the terrace are no providing unnecessary smoke so that grilling outdoor can be delightfull even on the home terrace.

Rediscover the outdoor cooking experience with the Ooni Koda 16, the gas-powered outdoor pizza oven designed to bake fabulous 16-inch (approx. 41 cm) pizzas and delicious flame-cooked steaks, fish and vegetables. Combining spectacular design with the convenience of gas cooking, the Ooni Koda 16 h..
2,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,516.81 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Special Offer Gas pizza oven Koda 16 Special Offer Gas pizza oven Koda 16
-17 %
Pachet Promo Cuptor pizza cu gaz Koda 16 cu husa de protectie, set boluri depozitare ingrediente, racleta de aluat si cartea pizza OONI. Redescoperiti experienta de gatit in aer liber cu Ooni Koda 16, cuptorul pentru pizza in aer liber alimentat cu gaz, conceput pentru a coace pizza fabuloas..
2,995.00 Lei 3,595.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,516.81 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Grill with castiron plate Weber Q3200 Grill with castiron plate Weber Q3200
-10 %
Brand: WEBER Grills
Acest gratar cu plita Weber Q 3200 BlackLine disponibil in editie limitata este compus din gratarul cu gaz Weber Q3200 si este dotat suplimentar cu plita de fonta Weber ce poate inlocui unul dintre gratarele din fonta din dotarea standard. Un model de grill cu gaz dotat cu plita din fonta, acest gra..
2,999.00 Lei 3,349.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,520.17 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Electric grill PULSE 1000 Weber Electric grill PULSE 1000 Weber
-11 %
Brand: WEBER Grills
Weber Pulse 1000 este gratarul electric de noua generatie ce revolutioneaza gatitul la gratar. Perfect pentru balcon sau terasa, Weber Pulse 1000 vine cu noile tehnologii pentru gratare electrice ce permit gatitul direct si indirect precum si controlul permanent al temperaturii prin intemediul tehno..
3,099.00 Lei 3,499.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,604.20 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar electric Lumin 2000 de la Weber Grills este un gratar cu putere mare, cu suprafata de gatit generoasa dar si versatil si pregatit pentru noi experiente de gatit in aer liber in mediul urban. Gratar electric Lumin 2000 este un gratar multifunctional ce atinge temperaturi de pana la 315 °C si e..
3,155.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,651.26 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar electric Lumin cu stativ de la Weber Grills este un gratar cu putere mare, cu suprafata de gatit generoasa dar si versatil si pregatit pentru noi experiente de gatit in aer liber in mediul urban. Gratar electric Lumin cu stativ este un gratar multifunctional ce atinge temperaturi de pana la 3..
3,389.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,847.90 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
The Weber Spirit E-335 gas grill has a generous cooking surface (50 x 45 cm) compatible with the GBS (Gourmet BBQ System) and Crafted systems, a cooking surface made of cast iron grates heated by 3 stainless steel main burners, of which 2 burners are equipped with the Boost Burner system. The Spirit..
3,419.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,873.11 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Weber Spirit EP-325 gas grill has a generous cooking surface (50 x 45 cm) compatible with the GBS (Gourmet BBQ System) and Crafted systems; cooking surface made of cast iron grates heated by 3 stainless steel main burners, of which 2 burners are equipped with the Boost Burner system. Compared to the..
3,419.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,873.11 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar cu gaz OUTDOORCHEF DAVOS 570 G ce convinge atat prin tehnologiile din dotare specifice marcii elvetiene OUTDOORCHEF cat si prin designul modern completat de culoarea negru mat. Gratarul cu gaz DAVOS 570 G dispune de binecunoscutul sistem de protectie a flacarii de gaz (Funnel System) iar arza..
3,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:2,936.97 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Pizza oven OONI Karu 16 WOOD – CHARCOAL Pizza oven OONI Karu 16 WOOD – CHARCOAL
-10 %
.Wood pizza oven OONI Karu 16 brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience with Ooni pizza ovens that include the most advanced technology. After only 15 minutes of preheating, you will be able to cook at 500°C wood or coal fired pizza in 60 seconds, perfectly roasted Tomahawk beef steak..
3,595.00 Lei 3,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,021.01 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar gaz Ascona ALL Black cu un diametrul de 57 cm, acest nou model de gratar sferic este un gratar cu gaz de gradina ce se incadreaza elegant pe orice terasa sau balcon, in gradina sau curte si are in dotare standard grilaj premium din inox. Versatilitatea preparatelor pe care le puteti gati, des..
3,690.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,100.84 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratar cu gaz si rotisor electric Weber Q 3200 BlackLine ofera solutia completa de gatit la gratar pe orice terasa sau balcon, dar si in gradina. Dotarea standard cu rotisor are avantajul ca, in afara de functionarea electrica a acestuia, simpla si silentioasa, sistemul de rotisor Weber din dotare a..
3,945.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,315.13 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Beefer One Pro este o statie de frigere si coacere la temparaturi mari, un altfel de grill cu gaz cu preparare rapida in cateva minute. Statia de frigere Beefer One Pro este o constructie solida, din inox, cu prelucrare si finisaje de inalta calitate cu tehnica ce stabileste noi standarde in materie..
3,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,352.94 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Karu 2 Pro wood oven from OONI Pizza Ovens brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience from the entire range of Ooni ovens. The Karu 2 Pro wood-burning oven has advanced features that allow preparation after only 15 minutes of preheating. Thus, you will be able to cook wood-fired pizza (or ..
3,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,357.14 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gas pizza oven OONI Karu 16 MultiFuel WOOD – CHARCOAL – GAS Gas pizza oven OONI Karu 16 MultiFuel WOOD – CHARCOAL – GAS
-10 %
Gas pizza oven OONI Karu 16 is the Multi-Fuel pizza oven that can be used either with wood and charcoal or with gas, and the transition from one to the other of the variants is very simple, easy and safe. The Ooni Karu 16 pizza oven brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience and incorporat..
4,135.00 Lei 4,595.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,474.79 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar cu gaz DAVOS 570 G PRO de la OUTDOORCHEF Swiss Grill Innovation va va convinge atat prin tehnologiile din dotare cat si prin designul modern completat de culoarea negru mat. Gratarul cu gaz DAVOS 570 G Pro dispune de binecunoscutele elemente tehnologice specifice OUTDOORCHEF cum este “Gas Saf..
4,200.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,529.41 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Beefer One Pro este o statie de frigere si coacere la temparaturi mari, un altfel de grill cu gaz cu preparare rapida in cateva minute pentru care va oferim tava ceramica pentru coacere rapida. Statia de frigere Beefer One Pro este o constructie solida, din inox, cu prelucrare si finisaje de inalta ..
4,250.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,571.43 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Brand: WEBER Grills
Gratarul electric Pulse 2000 este fratele mai mare al modelului Weber Pulse 1000. Toate functiile gratarului Pulse 1000 se regasesc si la Pulse 2000 care mai are in plus: o putere mai mare 2,2 kW (fata de 1,8 kW), suprafata de gatit mai mare cu 50% fata de Pulse 1000, rezistenta electrica suplimenta..
4,475.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,760.50 Lei
Availability: In Stock
The OONI Volt 12 electric pizza oven is Ooni's first fully electric pizza oven. The OONI Vot 12 electric pizza oven is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Thus you get maximum flexibility in your home and garden - regardless of weather. The OONI Vot 12 electric pizza oven can be used to produc..
4,495.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,777.31 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Karu 2 Pro wood, coal or gas oven from OONI Pizza Ovens brings the most versatile outdoor cooking experience from the entire range of Ooni ovens. The Karu 2 Pro hybrid oven has advanced features that allow preparation after only 15 minutes of preheating. Thus, you will be able to cook wood-fired piz..
4,595.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,861.34 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Noul gratar gaz Weber Spirit EPX-325S GBS Smart WiFi integreaza tehnologia de ultima ora (conexiune cu aplicatie pe telefoane mobile via WiFI) pentru a va oferi linistea si siguranta asupra frigerii sau coacerii preparatelor. Astfel castigati timp pentru familie, prieteni si oaspeti iar aplicatia We..
4,699.00 Lei 5,119.00 Lei
Ex Tax:3,948.74 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Noul gratar gaz statie infrarosu Beefer Twin Pro foloseste, ca toate celelalte statii de gatit Beefer, tehnologia cu infrarosu ce provine de la arzatoare ceramice fixate in tavanul carcasei. Astfel grasimea fripturilor si sucurile preparatelor nu intra in contact cu sursa de caldura fiind ..
4,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,193.28 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar gaz statie infrarosu Beefer TWIN PRO cu gaz natural foloseste, ca toate celelalte statii de gatit Beefer, tehnologia cu infrarosu ce provine de la arzatoare ceramice fixate in tavanul carcasei. Astfel grasimea fripturilor si sucurile preparatelor nu intra in contact cu sursa de caldura si sun..
4,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,193.28 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar cu gaz OUTDOORCHEF DAVOS 570 G ce convinge atat prin tehnologiile din dotare specifice marcii elvetiene OUTDOORCHEF cat si prin designul modern completat de culoarea negru mat. Gratarul cu gaz DAVOS 570 G dispune de binecunoscutul sistem de protectie a flacarii de gaz (Funnel System) iar arza..
4,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,193.28 Lei
Availability: In Stock
OONI Koda 2 MAX gas oven, this is the largest Ooni oven to date and makes it possible to bake a 50 cm New York-style pizza or several pizzas at the same time or even prepare an entire menu with several dishes. OONI Koda 2 MAX gas oven can generate two independently controllable cooking zones that ma..
4,995.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,197.48 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Brand: WEBER Grills
Cu noua generatie de gratar electric Pulse 2000 cu stativ cu roti Weber deschide o noua era a gratarelor electrice. Gratarele Weber Pulse au integrata tehnologia iGrill, smart-termometrele prin care putem cunoaste evolutia temperaturii fripturilor si ne informeaza cand preparatele sunt gata. Sistemu..
5,199.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,368.91 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar gaz statie infrarosu Beefer TWIN PRO cu perete despartitor foloseste, ca toate celelalte statii de gatit Beefer, tehnologia cu infrarosu ce provine de la arzatoare ceramice fixate in tavanul carcasei. Astfel grasimea fripturilor si sucurile preparatelor nu intra in contact cu sursa de caldura..
5,490.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,613.45 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar gaz statie infrarosu Beefer TWIN PRO gaz natural cu perete despartitor foloseste, ca toate celelalte statii de gatit Beefer, tehnologia cu infrarosu ce provine de la arzatoare ceramice fixate in tavanul carcasei. Astfel grasimea fripturilor si sucurile preparatelor nu intra in contact cu surs..
5,490.00 Lei
Ex Tax:4,613.45 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Gratar cu gaz OUTDOORCHEF DAVOS 570 G PRO echipat cu arzator lateral va deschide universul prepararii la gratar prin tehnologiile patent OUTDOORCHEF din dotarea standard cat si prin designul modern in culoarea negru mat. Gratarul cu gaz DAVOS 570 G Pro cu arzator lateral dispune de sistemele patent ..
6,190.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,201.68 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Gratar cu gaz OUTDOORCHEF DAVOS 570 G PRO echipat cu statie de frigere Blazing Zone este o adevarata masina de gatit ce va va deschide noi orizonturi in universul prepararii la gratar. Blazing Zone (cunoscuta popular ca si Searing Zone sau Sizzle Station) este recomandata pentru frigerea la temperat..
6,690.00 Lei
Ex Tax:5,621.85 Lei
Availability: In Stock
Editia Limitata modelul de gratar gaz AROSA 570G de la OUTDOORCHEF, model Editie Aniversara 15 Ani de BBQ & More are acum statie de gatit dar si de frigere, Cooking - Blazing Zone. Conceptul elvetian revolutioneaza intreaga categorie de gratare cu gaz pen..
7,990.00 Lei
Ex Tax:6,714.29 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Noul gratar gaz AROSA 570G EVO BLACK, prevazut cu statie de frigere cu infrarosu si zona de gatit dedicata, revolutioneaza intreaga categorie de gratare cu gaz pentru gradina, terasa sau balcon. Rotund, colturile si muchiile se imbina in noul gratar gaz Arosa 570G intr-un mod unic, modern, cu design..
9,490.00 Lei
Ex Tax:7,974.79 Lei
Availability: Pre-Order
Showing 37 to 68 of 68 (2 Pages)